RMC Sports Day Going National on CBC TV

xx CBC filmed the recent Harrier Run and portions of RMC sports –  to be aired this saturday – 18 Sept – Check local listings for times. xxxxx Pictured (left) LCol Sue Wigg, Director of Cadets and (right) Mr Darren Cates, Director of Athletics  both being interviewed by CBC this past saturday on the various…


Men’s Basketball OUA- Men’s Basketball CIS – Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball OUA – Women’s Basketball CIS – Women’s Basketball Men’s and Women’s Running OUA – Cross Country CIS Men’s Running / CIS Women’s Running Men’s and Women’s Fencing OUA – Fencing Hockey OUA- Men’s Hockey CIS – Men’s Hockey Rugby OUA – Men’s Rugby Men’s…

Ex-Cadets in the News

9/11 brought maturation of Forces: top general “I’ve been on the job (as chief of defence staff) two years now and I can tell you, man for man, woman for woman, we are second to none and we don’t give ourselves enough credit for that.” 12320 Walt Natynczyk (RRMC CMR 1979) READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE…

In keeping with the family tradition

In keeping with the family tradition A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) Coming from a long line of Canadian military members, John Carswell decided not to break tradition, and attended the Royal Military College. Born in Vancouver, Carswell was raised all over Canada because his father, Andy Carswell, was a career Air Force pilot. “I…

Where are they now?

9869 Clément Fortin (CMR RMC 1973) has lead the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec (CRIAQ) as its new CEO since August 2010 http://www.criaq.aero. Clément  stepped down as director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal, a position he has held since 2005. He earned a Bachelor of…

Did you know two ex cadets are 2 of 49?

21394 David Sanscartier (RMC 1999) and 23795 Mary Benjamin (RMC 2007), are two of 49 students from across Canada who have participated in the Environmental Careers Organization Student Ambassador Award Program, since it started in 2003. The award is given to five post-secondary students each year who demonstrate innovative ideas in environmental research. David Sanscartier,…

Victoria Edwards & Mo Hewitt Discuss the Roots of the RMC Band

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) connected with 3480 Mo Hewitt (RMC 1955) about the RMC band in 1955. The task is not easy since it is 58 years since the Band was founded. e-veritas: Outline your musical experience prior to RMC. Mo Hewitt: In September 1945, with WWII just ended, I entered Hamilton Central Collegiate…

Reunion Weekend 1-3 October

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RMC, CMR and RRMC Class of 1995 15 Year Reunion Schedule of Events 1-3 October 2010 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX As the 15 year reunion is fast approaching, here is an itinerary of the RMC and Class events that will be taking place during the reunion weekend.  For the specific timings of the RMC Events, please monitor…

Foundation: Changes to Letters Patent; RMC Nomadic Lifestyle; & Sunray Author @ RMC on Friday

Changes to Letters Patent The Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada Foundation Inc. With 2010 being the Canadian Naval Centennial, a number of our members have requested that the motion to amend our Letters Patent be further amended to provide for recognition of the former naval colleges that have operated at the Canadian Military Colleges.…

ALOY takes on the Rideau Canal!

Photos courtesy of: Emilie Bouffard RMC – ALOY Canoe Trip 2010 By: 24487 Dan Fleming The summer of 2010 marked the end of the second year of RMC’s Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year. The program this year brought together ten bright, young men and women from aboriginal communities across Canada, even as far as the Northwest…

Foundation still seeking an E V-P & Careers | Carrières

The Foundation is seeking an Executive Vice-President EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT – The Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada foundation Inc. VICE-PRÉSIDENT EXÉCUTIF – LA FONDATION DU CLUB DES COLLÈGES MILITAIRES ROYAUX DU CANADA INC. _________________________________ Other Career opportunities [English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Executive Vice-President / Vice-président exécutif – Kingston – Royal Military Colleges…

Operational Service Medal / Médaille du service opérationnel

Her Excellency the Right Honourable H24575 Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, is pleased to announce that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has approved the creation of the Operational Service Medal. The Medal will be awarded to Canadian military personnel, civilians under the authority of the Canadian Forces, members of allied forces integrated…
