2010 Graduation – Governor General & Larry Stevenson to Receive Honorary Degrees

CONVOCATION CEREMONY When: Thursday May 20, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Where: Kingston Military Community Sports Centre Field House The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Gateway, in his capacity as Chancellor of RMCC, will present graduating students with their Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree. Honorary degrees will be…

Start of Drill Fest & Civil Engineering Survey Camp

Every year at the end of May, hundreds of friends, family, and well-wishers descend upon the Royal Military College of Canada to see the annual Grad Parade, which celebrates the commissioning of fourth-year officer cadets, and signals the end of their lives as students and the start of their lives as military leaders. To onlookers,…

Soldiers Cup & 2010 Survey Camp

Photos by OCdt Ian McNaught Soldiers Cup By: WJO In the fall of 2009 DCdts LCol Tony O’Keeffe and newly arrived C Div Comd Maj Rob Parent were discussing the need to provide to cadets a challenging “military / army” competition as part of spring Environmental Preparation Training (EPT). What was decided upon was a…

What’s Happening At RMC

Photo: OCdt Nevin Hotson receiving the Volunteer of the Year Award from Commodore Truelove, RMC Commandt. RMC Recreation Volunteer Recognition Breakfast On Wednesday, 12 May a breakfast was held at the Senior Staff Mess for deserving members of the RMC Recreation clubs along with some of the College staff that provide support to our programs.…

III Years Making A Difference to the Kids of Kingston

City Parks in Better Shape Thanks to III Years By:  24790 Marjorie Gaulin-Riffou For three years now, the third year class project has consisted of preparing the city’s public grounds for the summer by performing seasonal maintenance tasks. The class of 2011 performed these seasonal maintenance tasks May 8th 2010. Unfortunately, due to light rain…

Peter, Bill & Mary Hosts Fall Term Leaders / Calgary Branch Lobster Boil – 11 June

xxxx Photos by 25410 Armaan Khan Peter, Bill, & Mary Connect with Fall Bar Slate Three members of the RMC Club working out of Panet House had the opportunity last Friday (14 May) to connect with many of the III Years who will be moving into the key bar slate positions for the first term…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Photo crédit : Élof Tyler O’Connor Photo: de gauche à droite, l’Élève-officier Tyler Dobbie, l’Élève-officier Jeremy Appolloni, l’Élève-officier Daniel Carroll et l’Élève-officier Jeremy Ricketts, tous des étudiants du CMR Saint-Jean, montrent fièrement leur pont avant de participer au concours Génie Civilisé 2010 à l’Université de Sherbrooke le 17 avril dernier. Des ponts de bois qui…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Venez assister à la parade de fin d’année au CMR Saint-Jean! Le public est invité à assister au défilé le 22 mai au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean). Le défilé qui marque la fin de l’année académique aura lieu au terrain de parade du CMR Saint-Jean le samedi 22 mai à 10h00. Le…

Deaths | Décès: l’Adjudant-chef Jean Couture; 5537 M.V. Bezeau (RRMC RMC 1962); Jim Cairns Remembered

LE MUSÉE DU FORT SAINT-JEAN VOUS INFORME: Décès de l’Adjudant-chef Jean Couture, OMM, CD Né le 10 avril 1924, l’Adjudant-chef Jean Couture s’est éteint le samedi 8 mai 2010 à l’Hôpital des vétérans de Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. L’Adjudant-chef Couture a été le Sergent-major régimentaire du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean pendant 17 ans, soit de 1962 à…

Catching Up With the News & OPINION

Retired colonel ecstatic to become Queen’s right hand in Alberta More “I was more interested in girls and beer,” Don Ethell ______________________________________________ Canada soldier wrong to allege Afghan abuse: panel “It is also important to note that the board asked each witness if they had ever observed the Afghan National Security Forces abusing a detainee…

CLASS OF 2000…Listen Up!

Hi all: The time has arrived for our 10 year reunion, and believe it or not, we actually have a plan in advance. After a long guilt trip from Jeffrey Hall an idea was formed and an event has been planned… The Details http://rmc2000.ca/ Event: Dinner, Dance and Social Date: Saturday October 2nd, 2010 at…

Did You Know That May is Museum Month?

Did you know? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) Celebrating its 175th anniversary, Eldon House is London, Ontario’s oldest residence and contains family heirlooms, furnishings and priceless treasures of the family as well as a beautiful 19th-century style garden. This historic Georgian house and garden has been open to public visitors since the 1960s,…
