Trivia | Bagatelle

Who am I? I was born in Ottawa on 30 July 1906 and educated at Loyala College (Montreal, 1916-1919), Ashbury College (Ottawa, 1919-1925). I entered Royal Military College on 26 July 1927. I was commissioned on 24 June 1929. I was awarded my wings on 20 September 1929. I served as F/O 1 September 1930.…

Notices | Avis

The Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS) announces a call for nominations for students to attend the CASIS International Conference in Ottawa, Ontario, October 30 to November 1, 2008. The Bursary competition is open to Canadian undergraduate and graduate students currently registered and attending Canadian universities or colleges, recommended by a professor, whose…


Class of 62 – Old Brigade Recruits and for the latest details. Meet ‘n’ Greet Friday 3 Oct 08, in the Vimy Officers’ Mess: Time: 1845 for 1930. Dinner will be served from 1930 to 2130 – Dress: Casual (Jacket and tie optional); for ladies – as appropriate. Cost: $45 per person, payable…

We get emails

In the latest e-Veritas, it appears that I am still on the Queen’s payroll. The ‘Catching up with the news’ article ” 9413 Major-General (ret’d) Cameron Ross (RRMC RMC ’73) Director General, International Security Policy, National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa” refers to a Fraser Institute briefing 5 years ago. As much as I enjoyed my old…

Thank you | merci

We wish to acknowledge and thank : E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC ’03); 23996 Alex Cushley ; and 24637 Kevin Kunz for their help in ensuring that we can continue to produce an informative and high quality e-newsletter. For the past couple of years Victoria has consistently provided timely and high quality articles – which we…

In This Issue 25

Join the RMC Club / Partners Team. Join the RMC Club / Partners Team. If you or somebody you know is in a position to place an ad in: a) the main Veritas magazine b) and / or this electronic version c) and / or the Web site contact Peter Dawe or Bill Oliver. Rates…

Top Headlines

COVER STORIES: Read commentaries from Jack Granastein, Desmond Morton, Hugh Segal, Sean Maloney and Romeo Dallaire on the state of the war in Afghanistan today. PLUS: Q&A With Principal John Cowan: Being RMC principal is the most fun you can have in a university job in Canada. But it’s long been my view that the…

What’s Happening At RMC

[English] [Français] 23996 OCdt, IV Year – Alex Cushley (aka Cush) has been helping us out with the last few editions of e-Veritas. He has also keenly accepted the challenge of “interviewing” a number of various people around RMC. Following are two of his efforts. Hopefully, we will have similar articles from “Cush” over the…

Ex-Cadets in the News

5562 General Jim Gervais (RRMC RMC ’62) joins Board of Northern Gold Mining Inc. Source __________________________________________________ Former astronaut campaigns to get fit 8276 Marc Garneau (CMR RMC ’70) __________________________________________________ Change of Command at the Air Command Academy 14458 Colonel Harry Kowal (RMC ’84), M0539 Major Conrad Bourgeois (RRMC RMC ’92) to Major Rebecca Evans. __________________________________________________…

Catching Up With the News

    12106 Captain (ret’d) Eric EG McKay (CMR RMC ‘80), a performance artist, was recently elected as a featured artist for a promotional programme sponsored by Ottawa’s CHRI radio station involving a CD mailout to approximately 50 radio stations. Eric landed two instrumental recordings in the Canadian Adult Contemporary Top 30 in the mid-1980s…

Where are they now?

4150 LCdr (Ret’d) Nigel H. Frawley (RMC ’58) is Secretary General of the Comite Maritime International (CMI), a non-governmental organization which contributes to the unification of maritime law. As Secretary General, he is responsible for preparations for International Conferences, Seminars and Colloquia convened by the Comité Maritime International, and maintains liaison with other international organizations.…

Extra Innings

What ever happened to…… 6715 Yvan Gagnon entered CMR in 1961 and graduated from RMC in 1965. His best memories from Military College time: “Hockey team with an average of 2.5 + points a game… Good times with Bernie and Suds on a very productive line!” He only spent two years in the military following…
