Deaths | deces

5053 Marcel Langlois (CMR RMC ’61) & 10467 Daniel Pinard (CMR ’75) Au lien suivant vous trouverez l’info pertinente aux décès de nos confrères 5053 Marcel Langlois, classe d’entrée 1956, décédé le 8 septembre et 10467 Daniel Pinard, classe d’entrée 1970, décédé le 9 septembre. more… André Durand 12944 et E1754 Président Chapitre de Montréal/Club…

Reunion Weekend – Fin de semaine de Réunion

Reunion Weekend RMC Club Executive Director, Peter Dawe and his staff have been hard at work over the past year ensuring the 2007 Reunion Weekend is a winner for all returning Ex Cadets. The Saturday Dinner and Dance at the Field House plus the Old Brigade Dinner (SAM) promise to be “classy affairs. To assist…

What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?

Sports day…smashing success! (Click on images to enlarge) Under sunny skies and ideal weather conditions the 2007 Harrier Race gets underway. OCdt Matt Setlack being congratulated by the commandant, BGen Tom Lawson as top finisher in the Harrier Race. The IV Year Mechanical Engineering student and future AERE officer also won the Wheatley Challenge Cup…

Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

“In 1984 I was the Director of Administration at the Royal Military College of Canada. My RMC Number is S103. I think that history was made on 13 August 2007 when three members of the RMC Class of 1984 gathered in 2 CMBG for a Change of Command Parade. The Reviewing Officer was 14274 Brigadier-General…

Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

19894 Mr Erin M O’Toole (RMC ‘95) Erin Michael O’Toole is corporate legal counsel at Procter & Gamble Canada, where he is responsible for Canadian litigation matters and serves as legal counsel to the healthcare and beauty business groups at P&G. Erin holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the Royal Military College of Canada…

Flashback | Rétrospective

With the recent reopening of CMR, readers may find the following book of interest. “Pourquoi a-t-on fermé le Collège militaire de Saint-Jean?” Montreal, Art Global, 2005 by Jacques Castonguay”Pourquoi a-t-on fermé le Collège militaire de Saint-Jean?” [Why did they close the Collège militaire de Saint-Jean?] by former CMR rector, H15198 Doctor Jacques Castonguay (CMR 1987)…

We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels

Attached is a photo of Rick Douglas with his old RMC swimming suit proudly displayed. . . but not worn; he couldn’t fit into it and I certainly wouldn’t fit into the T shirt either. But we did in 1972! The photo was taken in Amherst NS on our way to the PEI Reunion last…

In This Issue 19 – Dans ce numéro

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Quotation CDS – High On RMC Death Notices 22714 ASHLEY, Mark (RMC ’03); & Dr. Ian Crawford…

In This Issue 18 – Dans ce numéro

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Quotation -19033 Major Nick Grimshaw (RRMC / RMC’93) Top Story -HMCS Toronto Preserving International Stability Extra Innings…
