Courtesy of RMC Public Affairs / Avec l’aimable autorisation des Affaires publiques du CMR

Photos by S1 Lisa Anne Sheppard, RMC Public Affairs / Affaires publiques du CMR

(Wednesday, September 8, 2021) September 7, 2021 marked the first day of classes (remotely delivered) for undergraduate students for academic year 21/22. Of more historical importance, September 7, 2021 was the first official day of the new ‘4-Pillar Degree’ programmes, the implementation of which was delayed one year due to COVID-19.

For members of the Class of ’25, this means the conferring of a ‘4 Pillar Degree’ in either Bachelor of Arts (Honours); Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science (Honours); Bachelor of Science; and Bachelor of Engineering signifies the recipient has succeeded academically and has also attained a defined standard in the three other Pillars of RMC: Bilingualism; Physical Fitness; and Military Training.

The ‘4-Pillar Degree’ is unique amongst every other Canadian university and by emphasizing fitness, bilingualism and military training in addition to academic success, graduates of RMC are the leaders the Canadian Armed Forces requires.


(mercredi 8 septembre 2021) Le 7 septembre 2021 a marqué le premier jour des cours (dispensés à distance) pour les étudiants de premier cycle de l’année universitaire 21/22. D’une importance plus historique, le 7 septembre 2021 a été le premier jour officiel des nouveaux programmes à “4-Pilliers”, dont la mise en œuvre a été retardée d’un an en raison de la COVID-19.

Pour les membres de la classe de ‘25, cela signifie que l’attribution d’un ” diplôme à quatre piliers “, soit un baccalauréats ès arts (avec spécialisation), ès arts, ès sciences (avec spécialisation), ès sciences ou en génie, signifie que le récipiendaire a réussi sur le plan scolaire et qu’il a également atteint une norme définie dans les trois autres piliers du CMR : le bilinguisme, la condition physique et l’entraînement militaire.

Le ” diplôme à quatre piliers ” est unique parmi toutes les autres universités canadiennes et, en mettant l’accent sur la condition physique, le bilinguisme et l’entraînement militaire en plus de la réussite des études, les diplômés du CMR sont les leaders dont les Forces armées canadiennes ont besoin.



  1. Helga Rausch on September 21, 2021 at 1:27 pm

    I thought our MILCOL degrees were always “four pillar?” I assume this has this been somehow formally codified? Could e-Veritas provide a little more info as to how the degree is different now?

  2. Philip Henderson on September 22, 2021 at 6:26 pm

    Helga, my recollection as Div Comd and DDCdts at RMC between 1997-2000 is that it was a 4 pillar degree then and before I had joined the College staff. Not sure of what has changed.

  3. Anna-Michelle Shewfelt on September 23, 2021 at 3:06 pm

    Here’s the response from the College:
    The RMC Senate has implemented that the Bachelor of Arts (Honours); Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science (Honours); Bachelor of Science; or Bachelor of Engineering degrees are referred to as “4-Pillar Degrees”, making Physical Fitness and Second Language courses integral to these degrees since September 7, 2021. The RMC Class of 2025 is the first class to officially obtain a 4-Pillar Degree.

  4. 15004 Karl Michaud on September 27, 2021 at 3:04 pm

    Prior to this Academic Year, students were in a 4 Pillar programme otherwise known as ROTP at RMC. If they failed a pillar they were removed from ROTP and hence were no longer subsidized students to get a degree. To be commissioned you need a degree and BMOQ. Past arguments have been that needing BBB in a second language and taking athletics courses and passing a PPT are not part of the requirements to be commissioned. These courses are now mandatory academic courses. Further, you must be in the CAF and remain in the CAF to obtain one of the 4 Pillar degrees (unless granted legacy rights to those who started before 7 September 2021). Anyone in the CAF (less ROTP Cadets) and anyone not in the CAF can still take the 1 Pillar degrees. Now the commissioning requirements for ROTP at RMC is the same as the other mainstream commissioning programmes – a degree and BMOQ.

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