
The word that a Running Team will once again be competing at the OUA / CIS level is welcome news. Over the past few years a number of talented and motivated college runners had no real place to compete

Our experience at and around RMC is that whether it’s an academic endeavour or a military initiative, any change to the college environment is carefully considered and thoroughly studied. So it goes without saying the decision to elevate Running to varsity status was not made on a whim. At the same time the decision was made quickly without a great deal of fanfare and in particular, not a whole lot of red tape.

We salute the grassroots people that lobbied to make it happen and the powers to be for approving it. The net result will be a healthy activity that both lady and gentlemen cadets will benefit. Long overdue!
This edition of e-Veritas would not have been possible without the contributions and support of both Victoria Edwards and Kayne Carr. We owe both a great deal for their tireless efforts.

Bill & Rolande Oliver

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