
bill_rolande__brucie.jpgWe may have been premature in our writing last week how everyone at the Dinner Dance had a great time. It now appears that some of the later classes (’87; ’92, 97 & 02, in particular) may have had reasons to be disappointed with the quality & quantity of the meal; prices at the bar, and a few other things.

The organizing committee treats this as a serious problem.

We’re not sure what the answer is to make everything perfect; however, we do know how to improve things. One of the underlying problems over the past few years is trying to combine the Dinner / Dance and the Old Brigade Dinner along side each other. Despite the best efforts of the chef and the organizing committee, in our view, holding the OBD in the SAM and the Dinner / Dance in the Field House using the same chef and pretty well the same menu doesn’t work out.

The need to improve: venue; menu; bar prices; layout; music; is being looked at and reviewed with the intention of “getting it right”. Nothing is sacrosanct – even moving one or both events to a different venue. Updates will be forthcoming over the next few weeks / months.

For those who were disappointed this year, send us your suggestions for improvements. [email protected]

For those who are having Reunions next year, rest assured we’re working on making it better. Please show your support to the college and the Club by planning to attend either the Old Brigade Dinner or the Dinner Dance sponsored by the staff at Panet House. With your help we can turn the corner and make the Saturday night function the centerpiece of Reunion Weekend.

S125 Bill & S134 Rolande Oliver

Sports Summary

Congratulations to the rugby team and their crushing 31 – 0 victory over Trent University last Friday. The win pushes their season OUA record at the .500 mark at two wins and two losses. Great effort!


A reminder to RMC hockey fans – that the varsity Paladins will be in the Toronto area this weekend. Friday night for a 7PM start at York University. Saturday opening face-off time is scheduled for 1:30 PM at UOIT (Oshawa).

Click here for the OUA Men’s Hockey Preview

The hockey Paladins opened the regular season at home last week with a single game against UWO and fell by a score of 5-2. They were 1 and 4 in preseason exhibition play.

The Men’s soccer team earned a tie against Ryerson (1-1) in the first game of a weekend doubleheader in Toronto. On Sunday they fell 3-0 to the East Division second place U of T Blues.

Men’s Soccer
The injury riddled women’s team were no match for the two Toronto area based teams as they lost 4-1 & 5-0 to Ryerson and U of T respectively.

Women’s Soccer
We received a number of timely articles and photos this week from a number of different sources. We thank all those who contributed to this Issue 22.

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