Six Year Construction Project On Schedule – Students & Staff – Start Classes in Temporary Academic Facility 7 Sept. 2010!
In This Issue 35:
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The Clock Has Started to Tick for the CLASS OF 2014;
CMR Saint-Jean participent à la course à obstacles;
Nos élèves-officiers, de vrais guerriers!
Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean;
RMC just the beginning for Senior PAO;
Wall of Honour Citations – 2010;
FYOP Week One & Reunions Updates;
The Foundation is seeking an Executive V-P & Other Career opportunities;
Ex-Cadets & More in the News;
Roadents – Join the Guard of Honour at the RR Mast & RRU Homecoming update;
Victoria Edwards: Researching the memorial stained glass windows at RMC;
Deaths | Décès;
You May Know These 24…But Do You Really Know Them?