The Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI), in collaboration with the War Studies Programme of the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada, Queen’s University, and with the financial support of General Dynamics Canada, David Scott, the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, Honorary Captain (N) and Mrs Hugh D Segal, and the DND-Sponsored Security and Defence Forum will host the 10th Annual CDAI Graduate Student Symposium on “Canada’s Security Interests – Lessons of History” on October 26 and 27, 2007. The Symposium will take place in Currie Hall at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario.
The Symposium was created some ten years ago to provide a unique venue for graduate students to present scholarly works on defence, security and foreign policy related issues in a public forum. The 2007 Symposium will include 2 days of presentation by 34 students engaged in the study of defence and security issues. Presenters come from a variety of academic institutions across Canada and the US, including Queen’s University, the Université du Québec à Montréal, RMC, Université Laval, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, Carleton University, Concordia University, University of Calgary, American Military University, McMaster University, Dalhousie University, and the University of Ottawa.The keynote speakers for this year’s Symposium are J.L. Granatstein, Toronto-based historian, on Friday, October 26, and MGen D Gosselin, Commandant, Canadian Defence Academy, on Saturday, October 27.
Registration is free and includes lunch on Friday and Saturday as well as a dinner on Friday night in the Cadet Mess at RMC. Registration forms and a draft agenda are available on our website.