
A Sitrep from the RMC Club Foundation
• 2364 Leonard Birchall Pavilion
• Class Gifts from 1973 & 2001
• Giving Stock to RMC to fully offset capital gains taxes

The 2364 Leonard Birchall Pavilion Project

A Success! The Leonard Bichall Pavilion Project is now fully funded…and then some! With a new gift of $16,000 from Class of 1973 your generous donations total over $920,000, way over our $900K goal! This overage will allow some extras, such as a small sitting area to place Commemorative Benches. Thank you again for your enthusiasm! Thank you 9721 David Snook for winning over your classmates.

A live webcam is coming soon so you can watch Pavilion construction!

Class of 2001…Correction…In last Veritas we reported a gift of $30,000 made in 2006 by Class of 2000. This was in fact CLASS OF 2001. Thank you again to all of you and especially to 22085 Capt. Kris Reeves for convincing your classmates. I apologize for my error.

13731 Steve France, RMC Club Foundation

Consider a Gift of Stock for RMC programs of your choice
You can give a gift of stock to RMC as a portion of your gains on investment winners like BCE, RIM or any others. This James Daw article, reproduced from the Toronto Star, calculates what portion to donate to completely cancel out any tax on Capital Gains. http//www.rmcclubfoundation.ca/en/docs/giving/Scan.jpg

Wouldn’t you prefer a gift back to RMC rather than to Canada Revenue Agency?
You simply donate a portion of your appreciated stock, as a transfer between accounts, rather than sell it. It’s simple and details may be found on the RMC Club Foundation website at:


The 24th annual Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI) Seminar and the 71st annual general meeting of the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) will be held 21-22 February 2008 at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Canada.

3528 General (Ret’d) Paul D Manson (RRMC RMC 1956), President of the CDA Institute, will preside over the Seminar. This year’s theme for the CDAI Seminar on 21 February 2008 is “

Canada‘sNational Security Interests in a Changing World,” and will feature:

  • S148 General Richard Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff
  • H24263 Doctor John Scott Cowan, Principal, Royal Military College of Canada

The 71st AGM of the CDA will be held on 22 February 2008, and will be
on the theme, “Afghanistan and Beyond – The Impact on Canada’s
Regular and Reserve Forces.
Speakers will include:

  • S146 General Ray R Henault, Chair of NATO’s Military Committee
  • CF Environmental Chiefs, Director General Land Reserves, Commander Canada COM, Commander CEFCOM
  • 4377 LGen (Ret’d) Richard J Evraire (CMR RMC 1959), Chairman of the CDA, will preside over the AGM. Registration is open to all.



Faculty Positions: RMC

RMC Graduate Studentships in Astronomy and Astrophysics

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