

Match the graduation photo with the following statements. See the full write-ups below.

Faites correspondre les photos de graduation avec les phrases suivantes.  Voyez les articles au complet ci-dessous.

“… began life in the heart of the Alberta oil well country. After his share of cowboys and Indians on location, he/she settled down to the more serious business of the Services.”

“Tout ceci lui a mérité une note parfaite sur ces évaluations militaires 30/30 et la position de grand maitre slasher. “

“… one of the few cadets who can boast of having played on five rep. teams: football, soccer, water polo, skiing and swimming.”

“His/her guiding credo has been that under no circumstances should one “sweat it,” that is, worry. He/she worked on The Marker for three years with the respect to sports, he/she has actively participated in Rep Skiing and Harriers.”

“Ottawa has sent us one of her finest sons/daughters, a Queen’s Scout, who has been found bird watching in some very unlikely places like Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Ft. William, Winnipeg and Calgary.”

“Très actif aux sports, il/elle est membre de l’équipe de High Box, ou ses prouesses font de lui un pilier de l’équipe. Il/elle fut l’organisateur de plusieurs activités d’envergure qu’il/elle sut toujours tourner en succès.”

“It wasn’t long before he/she began to show his/her academic abilities. In the first two years, he/she managed to collect two scholarships, three departmental prizes and the Governor General’s Silver Medal.”

“He/she was a star player on the RMC Volleyball team, and he/she helped them along the road to achieving a perfect season. In 4th year he/she distinguished himself/herself as a dedicated rook CSC and a member of the 450 club.”

“He/she found the most effective study hours were spent on the golf course where he/she could contemplate the world’s problems between strokes or, indeed, over a couple of cool ones on the 19th hole.”

“… it goes to show that a triple crown in prep year can lead to five bars! … this soccer god/goddess can dribble under any conditions.”

“Just give him/her a ball, puck or some form of sport equipment and he/she’ll be MVP after the first game… However, it would have to be said that his/her favourite activity he/she began in fourth year – bird watching”

“En classe, il/elle réussit très bien et espéré graduer bientôt en génie civil. Ses qualités militaires et sa performance sur le terrain d/exercice furent vite reconnues au R.M.C. et lui valurent la position de cadet entraineur d’escadre qu’il/elle détient présentement.”




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