
Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training

Wednesday 15 January 2014

1st Year Class:

This week during PMT, the first years learned rifle drill and then had a brief with the Director of Cadets, LCol Patrick Lemyre, for an hour. During the drill practice, the first years learned commands such as present arms, salute with a rifle, and ground arms. During the brief with the DCdt’s, first years learned of changes that will be taking place next academic year. These changes included a revamped privilege system and a new program of motivation to encourage cadets to apply themselves harder in the future. During this PMT, we therefore practiced drill movements that will help us be more prepared for our Basic Military Officer Qualification course (BMOQ) this summer, and we learned a lot about what to expect in the coming years at RMCC.

26994 OCdt Joseph Ryan – 2 Sqn


2nd Year Class:

This Wednesday the 15th of January, at the Royal Military College of Canada, the Class of 2016 sat down with the Director of Cadets, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Lemyre, to discuss changes coming down the Chain of Command for 2nd and 3rd year Officer Cadets next school year. Officer Cadets then had the opportunity to ask the Director of Cadets questions regarding the upcoming year. The topics discussed included the updated privilege system for different years and changes to the progression program through years at RMCC.

After that, 2nd year Officer Cadets attended a briefing on the proper procedures regarding the PDR’s (Personnel Development Report) that they will soon have to prepare for their own subordinates when they are Section Commanders and other positions in 3rd year. All in all the briefings were informative and provided a chance for Officer Cadets of the Class of 2016 to ask questions regarding the many upcoming changes at RMCC.

26659 OCdt Danielle Andela – 1 Sqn


3rd Year Class

On Wednesday 15 Jan 14, the Class of 2015 received a lively interactive briefing from LCol (ret’d) Steve Nash, former Infantry and Special Operations Commander. The topic of the briefing was based on leadership from Mr. Nash’s perspective and longstanding experience. Mr. Nash used his natural charisma and talent for public speaking to bring to light many aspects of “what makes a good leader,” describing the commonalities and differences between Commanders, Leaders, Managers, and Administrators. Many were motivated to provide their own thoughts on leadership, either to avoid being picked by Mr. Nash personally, or physically motivated by their neighbor. In the end, I believe the Third Years came away remembering two main points: “When in doubt, blame Steve Nash”, and “Pobody’s Nerfect……..Pobody.”

26521 OCdt Joe Sager – 7 Sqn


4th Year Class

Le mercredi 15 janvier 2014, les étudiants de la classe de 2014 du CMRC ont eux la chance de se faire éclairer par le Dr. Smol sur les plus récentes découvertes du PEARL (Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab) dont il est le fondateur et co-directeur. Les études d’écologie rétrospective dont lui et son équipe mènent sur les sédiments d’anciens lacs permettent de tracer l’activité humaine à ces endroits. Plus précisément, cela leur permet d’étudier l’impact que nous avons tous sur l’environnement et le changement climatique. Le Dr. Smol et son équipe se consacrent à leur recherche dans le but de pouvoir démontrer jusqu’à quel point que les humains ont un impact sur le changement climatique, pour que nous puissions apporter des changements et garantir une planète habitable dans le futur pour nos enfants et nos petits-enfants.

26179 Élof Maxime Morneau – 9 Sqn


Sandhurst Selections

The aim of the 2014 Sandhurst Team selection process was to put the candidates in a situation where they would be physically exhausted and under stress, in order to assess their capability of executing simple or complex tasks, in conditions that are similar to the Sandhurst Competition. The Sandhurst Team selection process began on the morning of January 14th 2014 with an information session where the candidates received the necessary information in order to start the selection process.

The 2014 Sandhurst Team is heavily supported by the Class of ’64 through the Foundation.

During the selection process, the candidates had to complete different tasks that would challenge them both physically and mentally. The first two sessions of the selection process, lead by PSP Staff Jean Blanchet, incorporated different exercises that would allow us to test every candidate on different physical aspects like cardio, endurance, stamina and motivation. It didn’t take long to realize that the group of OCdts who showed up to tryouts were in really good physical condition, and had the level of motivation that we were looking for.

On the third day of selections, the candidates had to complete an outdoor PT session, where they would have to complete a predetermined circuit carrying a sandbag, for an extended period of time. The PT session, lead by III Ocdt Andrew Jarvis, was to be extremely demanding and uncomfortable for the candidates. On Friday evening (18 Jan 2014), the candidates completed an upper/lower body strength circuit, which allowed us to evaluate the physical strength of every OCdt trying out. Following that session, the remaining candidates were told that the selection process was over.

Faire le choix de l’équipe a été une tâche assez difficile, car les Élofs qui se sont présentés au processus de sélection étaient tous de très bon candidats. Leur niveau de motivation était très élevé et ils ont démontré de très bonnes performances aux différents tests physiques. 29 candidats se sont présentés aux sélection et parmi ceux-ci, seulement 14 ont été sélectionnés dans l’équipe. En terminant, je tiens à mentionner que tous les Élofs qui se sont présentés aux sélections devraient en être fier, qu’ils aient fait l’équipe ou non. Le processus de sélection de l’équipe Sandhurst étant reconnu pour être difficile et extrêmement demandant, je lève mon chapeau à tout ceux qui se sont présentés le matin du 14 janvier.

26339 III Élof JF Lizée, Esc 3 – Capitaine Équipe Sandhurst 2014

Équipe Sandhurst 2014: I Élof Hewitt; I Élof Scott, A;  I Élof Gauvin; II Élof Mater; II Élof Humeniuk;

II Élof Anderson; III Élof Otis; III Élof Thow; III Élof Hanlon; IV Élof Jobin, J;

IV Élof Couto; IV Élof Jarvis; IV Élof Scott, R; IV Élof Panza; IV Élof Cole; III Élof Lizée (Capitaine d’équipe)

Photo by Curtis Maynard

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