OCdts. On Parade
Men’s Basketball OUA- Men’s Basketball CIS – Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball OUA – Women’s Basketball CIS – Women’s Basketball
Men’s and Women’s Running OUA – Cross Country CIS Men’s Running / CIS Women’s Running
Men’s and Women’s Fencing OUA – Fencing
Hockey OUA- Men’s Hockey CIS – Men’s Hockey
Rugby OUA – Men’s Rugby
Men’s Soccer OUA – Men’s Soccer CIS – Men’s Soccer
Women’s Soccer OUA – Women’s Soccer CIS -Women’s Soccer
Men’s Volleyball OUA – Men’s Volleyball CIS – Men’s Volleyball
Women’s Volleyball OUA – Women’s Volleyball CIS – Women’s Volleyball

Three varsity teams have started OUA league play. Click on to the OUA section for scores for (W) & (M) soccer; and the (m) rugby team.

Check for upcoming games in your area! 

Recent rugby action at RMC

photos by: 24487 Dan Fleming

Women’s VB meet up with commandant and CCWO at the Army Run!

Caption: Left to right: Brianne Baum, Victoria Young, Norah Collins, OCdt (III) Rebecca Fielding, Commodore Truelove, Chief Warrant Officer Slack, OCdt (ALOY) Melissa Perron, Kelsey Chang and NCdt (II) Nicole Shingoose. Pictured below: OCdt (III) Melissa McCoy.

RMCC was represented in force and did very well. After an early morning bus ride, the cadets and staff arrived in Ottawa in time for the 0800 start to the 5km. Prior to the race the cadets had a chance to meet and chat with the MND. With the largest turnout yet for this fast growing event, the Cadets once again represented RMCC with pride and excellence. Among the staff participants, (left to right) CCWO and Mrs “CCWO” Debbie Slack, the CDA Formation CWO, CWO Chiasson, Commandant,  ran the ½ marathon with times ranging from lightening fast – the RSM, to the rest!!

What a weekend for athletics at the college!

When asked what he thought of the weekend, the command replied. “Coupled with the many varsity games now underway and the terrific coverage of RMC on CBC’s Sport Day in Canada on Saturday, the Army run presented, once again, a showcase for the strength and importance of Athletics and Fitness at RMCC. Well done to all involved.”

The RMCC Band under the direction of MWO M Huppé was out in full force and added a nice touch to the event!

(Click on photos for better viewing)

Army Run Results


This past Sunday September 19th, the RMC women’s volleyball team travelled to Ottawa to participate in the Army Run. The girls left with the rest of the school bright and early at 0430, arriving in Ottawa at 0630 and commencing their 5 km run at 0800. It was a chilly morning but perfect for a short run around the beautiful canal. The weather heated up as the day went on, with the awards ceremony beginning under the hot sun at 1130. Returning to RMC in the afternoon, the girls were tired but happy that they went together to participate in such an important event in the military community.

Mingling with other cadets and member of the Canadian Forces, the Lady Paladins, minus 1st years on FYOP, were able to see and experience the camaraderie and teamwork that occurs between all members of the CF. It was a great day to be running through the historic yet modern city of Ottawa, surrounded by some of the most dedicated and determined Canadians who are an inspiration to people everywhere. Throughout the race, the girls were asked about their college numbers and even received a few HOO-AH! cheers from other participants, ex-cadets of RMC. The girls wore their RMC tracksuits proudly, answering many questions about life as an officer cadet.

The women’s volleyball team is looking forward to welcoming their 1st years in a few short weeks and they are excited for the upcoming season. The women’s volleyball team hope to participate in more CF events in the future!

Sports – Reunion Weekend

RMC Athletics will be hosting the following Red and White sports challenges during Reunion Weekend 2010. Come out and take part in the fun!

Men’s Volleyball versus Alumni at 1400hrs (SAM Gym) – contact Major Don Couzens by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 819-997-6443

Women’s Volleyball versus Alumni at 1400hrs (SAM Gym) – contact head coach Carolyn Welden by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-541-6000 x3912

Men’s Rugby versus Alumni at 1500hrs (Navy Bay 5) – contact head coach Sean McDonaugh by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-541-6000 x6678

The men’s and women’s soccer teams will also be in action as they take on Queen’s University at 1500hrs

Hockey scrimmage (Constantine Arena) – contact head coach Adam Shell by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-541-6000 x6377

Women’s Basketball versus Alumni at 1530hrs (SAM Gym) – contact head coach James Bambury by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-541-6000 x8738

Men’s Basketball Alumni game at 1530hrs (SAM Gym) – contact head coach Scott James by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 613-541-6000 x6665

Fin de semaine des Anciens 2010

Le département des sports du Collège militaire royal du Canada sera hôte des prochains défis sportifs rouge et blanc lors de la fin de semaine de réunion 2010.

Volleyball masculin c. Anciens à 14 h (gymnase SAM) – contactez Major Don Couzens par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 819-997-6443

Volleyball féminin c. Anciens à 14 h (gymnase SAM) – contactez l’entraîneur-chef Carolyn Welden par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 613-541-6000 local 3912

Rugby masculin c. Anciens à 15 h (Navy Bay 5) – contactez l’entraîneur-chef Sean McDonaugh par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 613-541-6000 local 6678

Les équipes de soccer masculine et féminine affronteront l’université Queen’s à 15 h

Partie de hockey (arène Constantine) – contactez l’entraîneur-chef Adam Shell par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 613-541-6000 local 6377

Basketball féminin c. Anciens à 15 h 30 (gymnase SAM) – contactez l’entraîneur-chef James Bambury par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 613-541-6000 local 8738

Match des Anciens de basketball masculin à 15 h 30 (gymnase SAM) – contactez l’entraîneur-chef Scott James par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 613-541-6000 local 6665

Hockey On for sure…

Ice time has been confirmed for 1PM saturday afternoon.

Contact: Pat Dray –

[email protected] … or … Steve Nash, [email protected]

Jeff Oke & Mike Soros are helping to coordinate things on the ground.  If you’re interested and can’t reach Pat….leave a detailed comment below.

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