
Veritas has become merely a advertising vehicle for real estate agents. Please remove me from the mailing list.

4586 Richard (Robin) Carter


Bill, if I wanted to subscribe to a real estate journal I would do so.

The multiple plugs for realtors, EVEN IF THEY ARE SUPPORTING THE CLUB, make the E-Veritas into something a lot less than it has been.

So if we have to lower our standards for want of a few bucks, I am all for raising fees, asking for donations to stop the noise,whatever. I really feel we have cheapened the newsletter by including all of this blatant advertising.

Just my opinion, obviously – but I am saddened that “our” (ie YOUR) exceptional newsletter has become just one more Internet advertising platform.

Best regards,

11564 Doug Southen


Terrible Issue – get rid of all the ads !!!!!!!!!

3220 Bill James



What is happening to e-Veritas?? All I see is real estate adds! Are we just a commercial opportunity??

Your readership will soon relegate you to spam.


9251 Rob Holman



Congratulations on your creativity and perseverance in finding funding for eV.

And real estate is a brilliant topic as people move around, etc.

Because this is early days, I thought you might appreciate some feedback.

A major rule of news publishing is that the ads do not detract or confuse readers. So far, in your new format I believe they do and I have also had significant feedback from others. A couple of suggestions:

1. Like Facebook and You Tube, make the ads be smaller (some are huge now) and (if possible) put them on the side, rather than in the flow of the editorial material.

2. If this is not possible, they could be run at the end of each article, sort of like a line indicating the item is complete. Running them between headline and body text is actually… weird and confusing.


5675 Dennis Apedaile




I have just read and much enjoyed your latest issue of e-Veritas. However, while not a “monarchist”, I must admit that I was somewhat puzzled by Ms Edward’s description of the crest of RMC St. Jean, covering as she did every word, colour and object forming part of that crest save for mention of the royal crown.

5480 Gary Ferguson

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