Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

10 élèves-officiers du CMR Saint-Jean entreprendront l’ascension du Mont-Washington Photo: 10 élèves-officiers du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean entreprendront, entre le 10 et le 13 février prochain, l’ascension du Mont-Washington, situé au New Hampshire. Crédit : Mount Washington Avalanche Center 10 élèves-officiers du CMR Saint-Jean entreprendront l’ascension du Mont-Washington – un article du Capitaine Eric…


Bas de vignette: L’équipe gagnante les Remparts du CMR Saint-Jean, en compagnie du Major Michel Archambault, avant leur victoire au championnat québécois d’hockey d’antan, à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, le 6 février 2011. (Photo Crédit : Élève-Officier Alannah Fibich-Beaudoin 25906) LE CMR SAINT-JEAN REMPORTE LA VICTOIRE! Article écrit par Capitaine Andréane Vidal 22175 L’équipe de hockey les Remparts…

Ex Cadets in the News

First woman to fall in Afghan combat earns nautical honour READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE Families of fallen heroes ‘honoured’ READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE __________________________________ New Canadian Forces Promotions and Appointments Announced The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, is proud to announce a portion of the 2011 senior Canadian Forces (CF) promotions and appointments.…

Where are they now?

From Sqn Comd to Student By: 22562 Megan Cromarty After completing my posting as a Squadron Commander at RMC in 2009, I transferred from the Regular force to Reserves and returned to RMC as a student. Now a Class A Reservist at HMCS CATARAQUI, I work with safety and environmental issues within the unit. In…

Careers | Carrières

x Construction Engineer in energy efficiency / Ingénieur de chantier en efficacité énergétique – Montréal – Ameresco Efficacité Énergétique (min. exp. 2 years) Quality Specialist (M-009-R-10) / Spécialiste qualité (M-009-R-10) – Valcourt – Bombardier Produits Récréatifs (min. exp. 3 years) Research Officer – Network Development / Chargé d’études – développement des réseaux – Montreal –…

Notices | Avis

21516 Captain Rae-Lynn Hacker (nee Richard class of 2000), husband Paul and son Logan are pleased to announce the arrival of their 2nd child, a beautiful baby boy, Finn Alexander Richard Hacker born 31 Jan at 1719 by C-section. Weighing 8lbs 1.4 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. The Hackers are currently posted to Comox,…

Flashback | Rétrospective – To the Graduating Class of 1997

Catching Up With the News

Congratulations to Business Administration students On Saturday 29 Jan 2011, students from the Business Administration program participated in Certified Management Accountant’s (CMA) Ontario’s University Case Competition. In RMC’s second appearance, the team came 8th out of 24 teams from across the province. Félicitation aux étudiants de la département d’administration des affaires Samedi le 29 jan…

Trivia | Bagatelle

Trivia | Bagatelle Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) OF SPECIAL NOTE: Victoria Edwards presented ‘Below the depth of a plow: Negotiating a potash revenue-sharing deal with First Nations’ at the 20th annual symposium on conflict resolution in Ottawa on Feb 4, 2011. The Canadiana Discovery Portal is a new search engine that combs…

Deaths | Décès

7752 Major (ret’d) Brian CD Hook HOOK, Major Brian CD – The Royal Canadian Dragoons – He was a Soldier once, and young – Brian passed away February 1st, 2011 in Barrie, ON at the age of 64. He is survived by his wife, Jayne, and three sons, Michael, David (Leslie) and Paul (Heather) and…

In This Issue 6

In This Issue: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Two First Hand Personal Accounts of the Crisis in Egypt The Week That Was……

Two First Hand Personal Accounts of the Crisis in Egypt

” RMC Professor on Ottawa’s First Chartered Rescue Flight …..”. Ed Note: RMC professor, Dr. Yahia Antar was caught in the Egyptian fray last week. Following is his account of the experience. By: Dr. Yahia Antar – Photo by: 24487 Dan Fleming When you go for a conference, workshop or other academic duties you normally have your…
