RMC Club Branch Christmas Functions – Edmonton; Hamilton; Calgary; Halifax

To all Area Ex-Cadets who may be travelling through Edmonton You are cordially invited to attend – The Christmas Reception for Ex-Cadets and Officer Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada on Tuesday, 21 December 2010, from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM at That’s Aroma – Italian Kitchen 11010 – 101 STREET (Hys Centre),…

In This Issue 47

The RMC Club Gift Shop / La boutique du Club des CMR All e-Veritas readers are urged to support the RMC Gift Shop whether you’re in Kingston or Online Nous encourageons tous les lecteurs de e-Veritas à soutenir la boutique du Club des CMR lors de leurs visites à Kingston ou Click, click on poster…

Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture November 30th – Currie Hall – 7 PM

Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture November 30th – Currie Hall – 7 PM The Principal and the members of the Class of 1965 would like to invite all members of the RMC community to the Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture. This year’s lecture will be given by Dr Heather…

The Week That Was…

IT WAS THE END OF AN ERA LAST MONDAY: “My Top 4 and CSLs have constantly been given more authority and responsibility to lead the wing. We have emphasized the need for that responsibility to be held by barmen at flight and section levels. We have asked the wing to hold a higher standard for…

No ‘mystery’ in Choosing CWC & Leadership Team

Photo by: Cynthia Kent II Term Leaders Scheduled to Take Over – December 18th. Photo left – Top 4 (L-R) CWTO, Naval Cadet Arthur; CWC, Naval Cadet, Chong; CWAdO, Officer Cadet,  Beare; and DCWC, Officer Cadet  Bernatchez. Most Ex cadets likely are not up-to-date in regards to how the Cadet Wing leadership is decided for…

Experience in the field enhances cadets’ experience in the classroom

Experience in the field enhances cadets’ experience in the classroom A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) With his military background, Major Bernard Brister, CD, brings a new perspective to the classrooms of the Royal Military College. (Our e-Veritas photographer, Francis Themens happened to catch him just prior to going for a workout) Maj Brister has…

Brent Fisher: Little Rest for Professors on Sabbatical

Little Rest for Professors on Sabbatical By: 24712 Brent Fisher This article is the second in a series on RMC professors who are currently on sabbatical leave, a period that allows a scholar the opportunity to initiate or complete research without the distractions of daily teaching or administrative responsibilities. Many professors take advantage of this…

Cadets Being Cadets

The Tradition of the Ex-Cadet Reunion Weekend From the Eyes of a II Year By: 25892 II NCdt Thomspon Photo by 15378  Henry Litjens (CMR RMC 1986) This year’s Ex-Cadet Reunion weekend once again provided an opportunity for the alumni and cadets to benefit from each others’ unique perspectives. In a weekend of post-FYOP confusion,…

IMs – I Term Wrap-up

IM Playoffs IM Awards Parade IM Playoffs and Awards Ceremony By: OCdt Brown MK, 25219 This past Tuesday, Intramural Water polo, Ball Hockey, Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee came to an end for another semester, with four squadrons coming away victorious. After playing a strong season, the Ball Hockey finalists squared off against each other in…


Men’s Basketball OUA- Men’s Basketball CIS – Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball OUA – Women’s Basketball CIS – Women’s Basketball Men’s and Women’s Running OUA – Cross Country CIS Men’s Running / CIS Women’s Running Men’s and Women’s Fencing OUA – Fencing Hockey OUA- Men’s Hockey CIS – Men’s Hockey Rugby OUA – Men’s Rugby Men’s…


RMC HOCKEY HISTORY DIGEST A limited number of copies of the RMC HHD are still available. The 221 page Coffee table book covering the history of the RMC varsity hockey program from 1886 – 2003 would make for a good collectors item for anyone who was involved with RMC hockey. Following is a brief summary…

Ex-Cadets & More in the news

Canadian colonel says Taliban defeated, will run in to a ‘brick wall’ on return “We weren’t really sure how things were going back April-May,” he said. “The insurgents had a lot of the momentum. They had freedom of movement, but the excellent efforts of the OMLT in concert with the rest of the task force,…
