Royal Roads Remembrance Day

Photo by: Shelley Langille, Military and Strategic Sector Liaison Since 1995 The Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club has conducted a Remembrance Day Service at Royal Roads. Royal Roads University Vice President Katharine Harold, daughter of 5836 R.G. Radcliffe, welcomed those attending. This year over 300 gathered in the Italian Gardens and on the Castle terrace for…

Royal Roads Class of 1966 – Fall Reunion – 2015

Royal Roads Class of 1966 – Fall Reunion – 10 to 13 Sep 2015 In September of 1964 one hundred and twenty-four apprehensive young lads spilled off the bus at Royal Roads Military College (RRMC) into a maelstrom of red scarlets, black boots, silver swords and annoyingly loud voices. Four years later, sixty of those…

Alumni Award recipients embody Royal Roads’ 75-year legacy: 2897 Herb Pitts

Alumni Award recipients embody Royal Roads’ 75-year legacy – 2897 Herb Pitts 2897 Herb Pitts believes if you ask others to do a tough job, it has to be something you are willing to do yourself. He applies that leadership principle in all aspects of his life: on the collegiate soccer field, the battlefield and…

RRMC: Skylarks and life lessons

Skylarks and life lessons By: Amy Dove Royal Roads Military College had a reputation for being tough. And purposely so. The learning was based on teamwork, leadership and high standards to prepare cadets for career and life. Photo credit: Bradbury collection, RRMC fonds, RRU Archives It always started with the click of boots in the…

Royal Roads & Ex Cadets…

 x x The story of Royal Roads bridges decades of remarkable history. From our early days as a military college to the public applied research university we are so proud of today, Royal Roads’ tradition of learning and leadership changes lives. Thousands of people from across the country and around the world have created memories…

Royal Roads marks 75th anniversary

Royal Roads marks 75th anniversary – Sunset Ceremony rekindled Article by: Dave Bindernagel On Saturday, 25 April, the 2015 Sunset Ceremony conducted at Royal Roads to recognize 75 years of excellence in leadership and education was a complete success. Blessed with sun and clear skies throughout the ceremony, the approximately 2500 spectators were thoroughly entertained…

A 75th Anniversary Update on the Royal Roads Paverstone Project

A 75th Anniversary Update on the Royal Roads Paverstone Project The Paverstone Project was initiated by the Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club to create a striking visual reminder of the military heritage of what is now Royal Roads University. With the cooperation of Royal Roads University and the help of Navy craftsmen at CFB Esquimalt, the…

75 Years of Excellence / Sunset Ceremony/ Nominations for the 2015 Royal Roads University Alumni Awards

*** Sunset Ceremony – 25 April 2015 at Royal Roads Nominations for the 2015 Royal Roads University Alumni Awards 2015 Celebrations for 75 Years of Excellence at Royal Roads MORE DETAILS

Nominations for the 2015 Royal Roads University Alumni Awards

March 9, 2015 Nominations for Alumni Awards open today Awards honour graduates of university and former military colleges Nominations for the 2015 Royal Roads University Alumni Awards open today and close April 30. Anyone can nominate an alumnus. The Alumni Awards honour outstanding alumni who have achieved inspiring success in their life and career. The…

Remembering a former RRMC commandant

Remembering a former RRMC commandant More

2015 Celebrations for 75 Years of Excellence at Royal Roads

2015 Celebrations for 75 Years of Excellence at Royal Roads In 2015 Royal Roads will be celebrating 75 years of excellence in Education and Training – 55 years as a military institution/college and 20 years as a university.  Both the Vancouver Island Ex Cadet Club and Royal Roads University are jointly working on conducting special…

’57 – ’59 Roadents Getting Together for RRU Homecoming 12 – 14 Sep

We are inviting all of the class of 57 – 59 to get together as part of the RRU Homecoming 12 – 14 Sept at Royal Roads. We will be participating in all of the activities including the paver stone dedication, Flag ceremony and the ceremonial circle parade Contact person: 5260 Wayne Hammond – [email protected]  …
