COMMISSIONING PARADE – Mr. “Kommy” Farahani & LCol Ian Hope March Off With Class of 2010

The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence; General Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff; Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, Chief of the Maritime Staff; Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie, Chief of the Land Staff; and Lieutenant-General Andre Deschamps, Chief of the Air Staff; along with Operational Commanders presented graduating Officer Cadets with their Officer’s Commissions in the…


Officer Cadets demonstrated some of the College’s traditions, both old and new, including the Old 18 Historic Drill Team, the changing of the Colour Party, the Brass and Reed, and the Pipe and Drum Bands, the Highland Dancers, the Sandhurst Military Skills Team, Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year (ALOY) and the tae kwon do team. Fireworks…

Army against Air Force; 2010 Gash Parade

Les membres de force aérienne contre les membres de l’armée durant une journée de sports par: Élof Dany Turgeon, M0945 Durant la période du 3 au 14 mai, les élèves-officiers (élofs) du Collège militaire royale du Canada ont participé, à tous les matins, à des activités visant à changer le focus de l’étudiant à celui…

Class of ’64 Hosts the RMC Sandhurst Team

Class of ’64 Hosts the RMC Sandhurst Team On the Monday of RMC Grad week, the Class of ’64 hosted 20 Members of the 2010 RMC Sandhurst Team to a beer & pizza lunch in the Cadet Mess “Snake Pit”. As the RMC Foundation Sponsoring Class for the Sandhurst Team, the members of the Class…

A True Visionary and Mentor Honoured by AMS

A lasting legacy A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) The Applied Military Science (AMS) Department honoured Major General C. Gordon Kitchen, CD, a true visionary and mentor, in a naming ceremony of the AMS theatre in recognition of the support to the Land Forces Technical Staff Programme (LFTSP) by MGen Kitchen. Colonel William Lewis, Director…

Cérémonies de fin d’année au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean / End of Year Ceremonies at RMCSJ

Cérémonies de fin d’année au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean Le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean) a remis un certificat ou diplôme d’études collégiales à 109 élèves officiers hier lors d’une cérémonie et a souligné la fin de l’année scolaire par un défilé ce matin. « Le CMR Saint-Jean offre aux élèves officiers…

Bob Gainey & Golf @ St. Jean 17 June; Deadline for tickets – Lobster Boil in Calgary / 28th of May

Venez rencontrer Bob Gainey / Come meet Bob Gainey Chers anciens, L’organisation de notre tournoi annuel va bon train. Notre invité d’honneur sera nul autre que Bob Gainey. Visionnez sur le site la liste de nos commanditaires et joignez-vous à eux et aux golfeurs pour nous aider à amasser plus de $20,000 pour la…

Careers | Carrières; & Have you updated your Club membership?

[English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Here is a list of job opportunities provided by our partners from RHR with the working area and the experience required. Voici une liste des possibilités d’emploi fournis par nos partenaires de RHR avec la zone de travail et l’expérience requises. 1. Project engineer / Chargé de projet…

Did you know?

Did you know? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) The Princess of Wales Own Regiment, 21st Eastern Ontario Canadian Battalion formed in Kingston Ontario in 1914 and proceeded with a regimental mascot first to England, then on to France to fight in the Great War. When the Canadian Expeditionary Force was disbanded after World…

Deaths | Décès

It is with great sadness that the CME Branch must inform you of the death of 10643 Maj Mark Zoledowski (RMC 1975), CD (Retired) on 17 May 2010 in Ottawa in his 56th year. He leaves behind his wife Lynda and daughter Melissa. Maj Zoledowski was born on 2 June 1953. He joined the CF…

Where are they now?

19875 David Macdonald (RMC 1995) is a specialist in Internet and Mobile Internet businesses in Japan and Asia Pacific. He has been a director, Walt Disney Internet Group Asia Pacific, The Walt Disney Company (Nov 2004 – Present). He worked in i-mode Business Department, NTT DoCoMo (Sep 1999 – Oct 2004). He worked in the…


Otter Squadron portrait By: Sub-lieutenant Steve Brown The portrait of Otter Squadron in front of the Mackenzie Building was commissioned by the graduating class of 2009 following an encounter between Officer Cadet Tyler Twohig and the artist Joanne Gervais. OCdt Twohig spoke with the artist regarding the possibility of having an original piece of artwork…
