Catching Up with the News

Alumni’s tribute timely – Lt. Derek Hines – former West Point hockey player, killed in Afghanistan Ex Popular RMC Hockey Coach Ready for NHL Debut Cadets get their class rings – Senior tradition at West Point stretches back to 1835 Gaels’ Golden years:  Doug Hargreaves cut his teeth at the university level at RMC FORMER…

Where are they now?

5030 Mr Denis D. L’homme (CMR RMC ’61) is the NDP candidate for Lévis–Bellechasse. He is a former senior government official. He graduated from the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean and the Royal Military College in Kingston. He served as a Flight Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in…

Flashback | Rétrospective

Number VIII in our series on former Military Colleges Commandants. 23996 Officer Cadet Alex Cushley (RMC ’08) a.k.a “Cush” spent most of this summer working with e-Veritas.  He completed a number of internal assignments dealing with events in and around RMC.  We received favourable feedback from numerous readers on the high level of insightful reporting…

Extra Innings

By: 13077 Dean Black (RMC ‘81) It was bloody cold. I remember that. I can also remember being anxious about the whole affair; fire picquet, that is. I was in my 1st year at the Royal Military College of Canada, loving every aspect except this – fire picquet. I had been spoiled, you see. I…

Who am I?

Who am I?   (By E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC ’03) I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the 10th of November 1908. My father was killed in Ypres during the First World War. 7 or 8 of his uncles from both sides of the family also served during the First World War – three of…

Quotation / Citation

“Fully one in four Canadians we polled thought that Gen. Douglas McArthur – the World War Two U.S. general and U.S. war hero – was a Canadian hero in the Great War.” – Rudyard Griffiths, executive director of the Dominion Institute. “There are no limits to the majestic future which lies before the mighty expanse…

Deaths / Décès

Dr. Shawn Cafferky UVic mourns death of history prof:Students and faculty alike were shocked by the sudden death of popular history professor Dr. Shawn Cafferky, who passed away Saturday evening, Sept. 6. Information about the cause of Cafferky’s death has not yet been released, as the family had not been informed at press time. History chair…

We get emails

What I remember of 2816 BGen (ret’d) WW Turner (RMC ’40) – former RMC Commandant By: 11551 Ray Richards – RMC Cadet Wing Commander 1976-77 There were a few things that were a bit different in my last year. Most notably, we were on the back half of the centennial year, so had a number…

In This Issue 32

Fever pitch on the Peninsula ! WING HARRIER RACE & Sports Tabloid Produce Super Stars; Nijmegen: Much more than marching; He spent one year as Acting Commandant; Catching up with the news; Where are they now? Ex cadets in the news; Great Quotes; Who Am I? Running Is Back! Matching Gifts – Win, Win; Reunion…

Cadet Wing Harrier and Sports Day

Watch out Boat … Lasalle is number ONE! CW Harrier and Sports Day By: 24196 OCdt JC Lasalle – CWSRO Le 6 septembre 2008, marqua la traditionnelle journée sportive pour le CMR. Même si le soleil ne fit pas partie de la journée, le tout s’est dévoilé en un grand succès. La journée a débuté…

What’s Happening At RMC

First Skylark for the new school year! RMC cadets, students and staff were in mild shock last week when they were in the vicinity of “Brucie”. It turns out that the 32 year old statue was decked-out in traditional aboriginal dress. Commandant, BGen Tom Lawson (a die-hard Toronto Maple Leaf fan) commenting on the latest…

The Nijmegen Experience

The Nijmegen experience By: Élof François-Olivier Gauthier On Friday the eleventh of July, the RMC Nijmegen team 2008 flew out of Canada to join the Canadian contingent for Operation Nijmegen in Netherlands. The team had trained for eight weeks accomplishing more than 750 kilometres in the region of Kingston prior to their departure. For many…
