Quotation | Citation

“If events like this and my being involved helps to motivate people to adopt a fitness lifestyle, I’m all for it,” said Colonel Hood. “We are so lucky to work for the military. What other workplace encourages fitness and a healthy lifestyle to this extent?” 8 Wing Commander Colonel Mike Hood Source _______________________________________________________________ “This historic…

Trivia | Bagatelle

Who am I? … “It required no great military genius to predict the outcome of the battle once the Japanese had landed on the island…The enemy controlled the sea and the air. Three-inch mortar ammunition had run out. Only one battery of 18-pounder guns was available for artillery support. Only light machine-guns and rifles left…

Flashback | Rétrospective

The Canadian Letters & Images project features several letters home from 1132 Howard Beverley (Bev) Thorburn (RMC 1915) from Royal Military College and from France during World War I…• (Readers are encouraged to follow the “Source & More” indicators) My room has a small bed, a table with a small book case, and a wardrobe.…

We get emails

Several online biographies state that Colonel James Walker studied at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston. Based on his date of birth of 1846 and entrance as a Captain at 20 years of age in 1866, wouldn’t that make him a cadet a decade or so before RMC was founded in 1876? He’s…

In This Issue 21

Happy Canada Day! Joyeuse fête de la Confédération! ………………………….. What thieves don’t want you to know about identity theft According to the RCMP, identity fraud and credit card fraud are costing Canadians an average of $1 million every day. But there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of being a victim of…

Top Headlines

RMC-Careers.com Launched at RMC Saint-Jean on June 3 This new service was officially launched on June 3 at the Royal Military College in Saint-Jean. Among those at the ceremony were the Commander François Pion and Mr. Bernard Mongeau, Vice Dean of Studies at RMC Saint-Jean, the presidents of each of the alumni associations in the…

What’s Happening At RMC

Photos by: 24164 Élof François-Olivier Gauthier (RMC ’09) RMC Nijmegen Team Training By: Captain Paule Poulin The RMC Nijmegen Team led by Captain Dany Poulin are hard at work marching around the city to get ready for the actual event. They leave on July 11, 2008 will conduct the official marches from July 15-18, flying…

Catching Up With the News

National Aboriginal Day was celebrated on 21 June 2008. First proclaimed by the Governor General in 1996, National Aboriginal Day provides an opportunity to acknowledge and recognize the first peoples of Canada: the First Nations, Inuit and Métis. June 21st was chosen as National Aboriginal Day because of its cultural significance as the summer solstice…

Ex-Cadets in the News

On June 15, 2008, 11712 Vice-Admiral Drew W Robertson OMM, MSM, CD (CMR RMC ‘78), Chief of the Maritime Staff, represented the Canadian Forces at a Ceremony of Remembrance held in Ottawa for the 55th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice. The service began at the Monument to Canadian Fallen in Korea on an escarpment…

Where are they now?

2515 Dr. George Baker (RMC ‘36); 2878 Dr. Terrence Hoffman (RMC ‘52); 3221 Jon Jennekens (RMC ‘54); 3389 Colin Campbell (RRMC RMC ‘55); 5576 Leonard Lee (RRMC RMC ‘62); 6018 C. Martin (RMC ‘64); 10268 John McKay (RRMC RMC ‘74); 11848 Frank Vagi (RMC ‘78); 12609 Paul Rogers (RMC ‘80); 14743 Denis Godcharles (RMC ‘85);…

Deaths | deces

2817 David NMI Veitch (RMC ‘40); & 3023 Gordon Murray Cameron (RMC ’53).

Trivia | Bagatelle

8 Trivia Questions – By E 3103 Victoria Edwards (RMC ’03) Answers can be found at the end of We Get e-mails QUESTION #1 Who am I? My mother was a countess from a Belgian family that traced its lineage back to Napoleon’s general Jean-Baptiste Dumonceau. My paternal grandmother was descended from some of the…
