We get emails

Click, click for better view Thirty members and guests participated and The Ottawa Branch Club raised approx $500 for the foundation at this first ever Night at the Races. The Branch and Club names were on the cover of the evening’s program and the track tote board welcomed the members of the Ottawa Branch of…


The Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Dean of Continuing Studies of the Royal Military College of Canada invite you and a guest to celebrate the career of Professor Michael Bardon. One cannot retire from one’s passion; so it is that good professors never retire. Nonetheless, an evening to celebrate Michael’s career at…


……………… 21970 Captain Jennifer Jones (RMC ‘01) 22092 Captain Marco Rusconi (RMC ’01) Snowbirds Due In Kingston – 18 June Entire 2008 Snowbird Schedule

Legacy Dinner 2008

Click on photo for link

In This Issue 18

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. RMC Ready For 2008 Grad; Cadets Went All Out During Home Stretch; RMC A Target At Sandhurst…

Top Headlines

RMC Class of 2008 to graduate – Nearly 230 Officer Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) will celebrate their graduation on Wednesday, May 14 and Thursday, May 15. The Class of 2008 invites the public to attend their very last days as undergraduates at Canada’s military university. Wednesday May 14, 1:00 to…

What’s Happening At RMC

(Click photos for larger view) April 10 Student Visit On 10 Apr 08, the Politics and Economics Department conducted a valuable Field Trip to both the Canadian Government’s Emergency Operations Centre and to the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) in Ottawa. Third and Fourth Year RMC cadets were exposed to a series of high…

Catching Up With the News

RMC Sandhurst Team makes Top 5 for fifth consecutive year By Capt Paule Poulin When you are the champion three years-in-a-row, other teams will do anything they can to prevent you from winning again, especially those from the school where the competition was born back in 1967. The Royal Military College’s (RMC) Sandhurst team finished…

Quotation | Citation

What some 2008 RMC Sandhurst participants had to say: “This year the competition events and the scoring system were radically changed. The changes favoured an institution like the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) and Westpoint, as the focus on military skills is much more prevalent than RMC throughout their program. The RMC team was very…

We get emails

I would like to publicly congratulate our 2008 Sandhurst team for finishing in 5th position among 42 teams last Saturday in West Point, NY. During this prestigious international competition, which regrouped the best OCdts in the world among the best Military Academies among our allies.   Je voudrais publiquement féliciter notre équipe de Sandhurst, édition…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Change of Command – Two Ex-Cadets In a ceremony well-attended by city officials and military dignitaries at historic Fort Frontenac in downtown Kingston, Ont., on Friday, May 9, 2008, 12966 Maj.-Gen. Marquis Hainse (CMR ’80) took over command of the Land Force Doctrine and Training System (LFTDS) from 13337 Major-General Stuart Beare (CMR RMC ’83).…

Where are they now?

3826 Dr. Donald Coulter (RRMC RMC ’57); 5832 Daniel O’Neill (RMC ’63); 6907 Bill Fenrick (RMC ’66); 8868 Bob Shuter (RMC ’71); 9805 Dwayne Lucas (RRMC RMC ’73); 10897 Bob Weisman (CMR RMC ’76); 13859 Ivor da Cunha (RMC ’83); 14493 Col Paul Rutherford (RMC ’85); 16211 Andrew Chester (CMR RMC ’88); 16950 Mel Crocker…
