Calling all RMC/CMR/RRMC Alumni,
Our 2023 Ex-cadet/Alumni golf tournament is shaping up to being an outstanding event. We have filled one golf course and Greensmere Golf Course has authorized us to register up to six foursomes to play on the second golf course. This gives us an all-up capacity of 168 golfers of which over 150 are already registered or pending. There are a limited number of openings remaining and we would very much like to make it a sell-out.
This will be the largest gathering of alumni except for reunion weekend in Kingston. Please consider joining us for an enjoyable day of casual golf, camaraderie and fundraising to support the current cadets and the colleges. Family members, friends and guests are welcome….skill at golf is not a prerequisite.
If you can’t make it please consider making a modest contribution towards the cost of the tournament in order that we can maximize the fundraising aspect. Several colleagues who couldn’t make it this year have donated a portion of what would have been their entry fee….BZ to these generous ex-cadets. If this appeals to you then an Interac transfer to – [email protected] – will do the trick.
Hope some of you can join us.
7761 MMJ (613-298-7085)
RMC Alumni Association Ottawa Branch 2023 Golf Tournament 7 July 2023
Golfer Registration: 0700 – 0745 Shotgun Start: 0800
Location: Greensmere Golf Club – 1717 Bear Hill Road, Carp, ON
Entry Fee: $145/golfer (golf/carts/water/10 team mulligans, prize draws)
Skill Prizes: Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, Most Honest, etc.
Draw Prizes: Door Prizes (3), “Eagle” Challenge Prize (Foursome)
Silent Auction: Detail on auction items will be published in advance.
Format: Scramble/Best Ball
Registration: Email to [email protected] (include names of playing partner(s) if applicable).
- Interac/E-Transfer to: [email protected]
- Cheques: Payable to: “RMC Alumni Association – Ottawa Branch”
- Mail to: M.M. Johnson, 1647 Sunview Drive, Orleans, ON, K1C 5C6
Questions/Clarification: contact Tournament Director, Mike Johnson,
Association des Ancien(ne)s des CMRs Chapitre d’Ottawa Tournoi de golf 2023 7 juillet 2023
Enregistrement des golfeurs: 07:00 h – 07:45 h Départ simultané: 08:00 h
Endroit: Club de golf Greensmere – 1717 Bear Hill Road, Carp, ON
Frais d’inscription: $145/golfeur (golf/voiturette/eau/10 mulligans d’équipe, prix de participation)
Concours d’habiletés: Coup de départ le plus long, plus près du drapeau, golfeur le plus honnête, etc.
Prix tirés au hasard: Prix de présence (3), prix challenge “Eagle” (quatuor)
Encan silencieux: Détails des items vendus à l’encan seront rendus publiques avant le tournoi.
Format: Meilleure balle
Enregistrement: Envoyer un courriel à [email protected] (inclure noms des joueurs si disponibles).
- Interac/E-Transfer à: [email protected]
- Chèques: Payables to: “RMC Alumni Association – Ottawa Branch”
- Poste: M.M. Johnson, 1647 Sunview Drive, Orleans, ON, K1C 5C6
Questions/Clarifications: contactez le directeur du tournoi, Mike Johnson,
Merci de votre soutien à l’Association des Ancien(ne)s des CMRs