Royal Military Colleges Museum Corporation Board of Directors Opportunity

The Royal Military Colleges Museum Corporation (RMCMC) is seeking applicants for an immediate position on its Board of Directors as the Chair of the Planning and Implementation Committee.

We want your feedback

We want your feedback on eVeritas and how we can improve our service to you! Stay tuned in our next issue for a short readership survey. Tell us what you want to read, and where we can improve.  All responses will be kept confidential and all data collected will be used for the sole purpose…

The RMC Wall of Honour Committee is pleased to announce the 2022 Honourees

The RMC Wall of Honour Committee is pleased to announce the 2022 Honourees

RMC Alumni Association Announces New Alumni Branch & Class Manager

The RMC Alumni Association is pleased to welcome a new staff member to our dedicated team of professionals. Sonja Taylor, a communications specialist by trade has taken on the role of Alumni Branch and Class Engagement Manager at the end of February.

We’re Hiring – Communications Coordinator

We’re Hiring – Communications Coordinator

Check out the Gift Shop for all your Christmas shopping needs! / Consultez la boutique de cadeaux pour tous vos achats de Noël!

RMC Profs release new books just in time for the holidays / Les professeurs du CMR publient de nouveaux livres juste à temps pour les vacances de Noël

RMC’s Dr. Joel Sokolsky has co-authored “Canada in Nato, 1949-2019.” To purchase please see here. Professor Lubomyr Luciuk’s latest book, Operation Payback: Soviet Disinformation and Alleged Nazi War Criminals in North America, will be published by the Kashtan Press in November 2021. Based on a recently declassified KGB document, the book exposes how Soviet operatives planted “fake…

Reminder: RMC Club and RMC Foundation Merger 7 October 2021

Dear fellow Alumni, RMC Club and RMC Foundation members, We are now only a few days away from the Special Meeting of the members of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada (the “RMC Club”) and the Royal Military Colleges of Canada Foundation Inc. (the “RMC Foundation”) to determine the future of your Club and…

RMC Club and RMC Foundation Merger Information – Information sur la fusion du Club des CMR et de la Fondation des CMR

A message from John McManus, Club President and Jill Carleton, Foundation President “It will be as if two great rivers that diverged many years ago finally merge and come back together as one” [Read more here]  We are pleased to advise you of a joint meeting (the “Meeting”) of the members of the Royal Military…


Chèr(ère)s Ancien(ne)s, Nous poursuivons notre série de visio-conférences (par Zoom) sur divers sujets d’information générale qui pourront vous intéresser et vous permettre de garder le contact avec tous et chacun durant cette pandémie. La prochaine conférence aura lieu le mercredi 5 mai à 17h00. Le commandant du CMR, colonel Nicolas Pilon, sera d’office pour le lancement…

OFFRE D’EMPLOI: Coordonnateur(trice) du Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean et du Musée du Fort Saint-Jean

Le Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean et le Musée du Fort Saint-Jean sont à la recherche d’une personne dynamique pour pourvoir la position de coordonnateur(trice). Sous la supervision du conservateur du Musée et du VP administration du Chapitre, le ou la titulaire du poste assure une permanence pour les deux organisations sur le site du Collège militaire…

Need Your Help: Seeking RCNC Ex-Cadets

RCNC16 Captain (N) retired Christpher Pratt, OMM,CD is the Honorary President and Senior Ex-Cadet of the Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club. In preparation for Chris’s 97 birthday we are searching for RCNC Ex-Cadets from his entry year 1942 to 1944. Any other RCNC or RCNSE Ex-Cadets who would wish to send greetings are encouraged to get…
