S103 A.H.C. (“Harky”) Smith was presented the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in early December.
“Harky” was caught totally by surprise. He was called to the Minister of National Defence’s Office on Parliament Hill to take a TOP SECRET Envelope over to the MND’s Office and when he got there he ended up being presented with the medal by the MND himself.
“Harky” found it rather embarrassing as all he had on was a sweater and no tie or jacket.
Regardless of the order of dress – It was a great event and celebrated his 60 years of Service in DND
xxxxxClick photo for better viewing…tter viewing.xxxx
We are always on the lookout for ex-Cadets to add to our Class Notes section. If you are or if you know of an Ex Cadet with something interesting going on, we want to hear about it! Whether it’s career related or more on the personal/family life, we would like to know what’s going on with you and / or them.
Just send a short write up, and, if you want, a recent JPEG appropriate photo, to: [email protected].
11024 Philip Wall, Class of ’76, and his wife Sheila recently returned to Canada from a NATO position in the Netherlands. After being overseas for close to seven years, they made some very dear friends, and it was hard to make the move back. Since returning, they have been busy with the move, home renovations, new jobs, and just plain settling in. Serving as a Commissionaire, he is still somewhat connected with the military after more than 40 years. They’ve done a lot of moving around, and it’s still a toss-up between Kingston and Victoria as their favourite place to live in Canada, but they have family and work in Victoria for the time being. They do miss the “limestone city,” though, especially given that they are both from eastern Ontario (Stirling and Pembroke), and both went to school in Kingston, Phil at RMC and Sheila at Queen’s, where they met on a blind date set up by a fellow classmate.
13591 Ed Batchelor, Class of ’83 – Ed returned to Ottawa this past summer following four years in the Washington DC area as the senior Canadian Liaison Officer to the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. With 33 years of active service as an Army Engineer he remains employed in his geospatial engineering vocation currently holding down the Directorate of Geospatial Intelligence Partnerships Land desk within the Chief Defence Intelligence. Along the way he has acquired several post graduate diplomas/degrees coupled with an exchange posting to the UK and operational deployments to Bosnia and Afghanistan; they have all added to the military career highlight reel. He had to give up his passion for volleyball in 2008 due to some nagging hip issues, but he has remained active as a group fitness instructor teaching several weekly BodyPump classes at GoodLife Fitness. His wife Cheryl is back in an Air Force officer’s uniform and working within the Chief Military Personnel organization. With one active grandson, an upcoming wedding of middle child (son), who is serving with the Canadian Special Operations Regiment at the end of Dec 12 and his youngest (daughter) nearing graduation from the University of Ottawa the thought of pending retirement has a certain appeal. Ed and Cheryl are not quite ready to put their feet up yet, but plans to wind down are in motion.
13649 Jean-Francois Lemieux, Class of 82, has been living in Ottawa since 1987 (except for a 2 year tour in Valcartier), where he married his wife France (in 1989). He left the CF in 1998. After a few years in the telecom industry and a few months unemployed, he has been working at the National Research Council since 2004 in diverse jobs, mostly in project management. He is currently the project manager for the Printable Electronics program. The children are growing up: Patrick 19, Alexandre 15 and Catherine 12. he loves alpine skiing (picture in Panorama, BC) and classical music, and stays active by going to the gym, skiing and doing yoga. He did indoor climbing for a few months last year: wow, what a thrill. They also travel a little: Orlando this past Christmas, Hawaii last May, Grand Canyon and southern California in 2010.
15414 Catherine Paquet, Class of ’86, has just published her 9th book on the topic of Internetworking with Pearson’s Cisco Press. Catherine lectures in Canada, the U.S. and Asia on the topic of Network Security. She lives in Toronto with her husband of 25 years, 11306 Pierre Rivard, Class of ’77. They have two children, Laurence, who is a 4th year Civil engineering student at McMaster U and Simon, who is in the last semester of the Chef and Culinary Art program at George Brown College.
15414 Catherine Paquet, Classe de 1986, vient de publier un 9e livre sur l’inter-réseautage, sous les presses de Pearson Education – Cisco Press. Catherine donne de la formation en sécurité informatique au Canada, aux E-U, et en Asie. Elle habite Toronto avec 11306 Pierre Rivard, Classe de 1977, avec qui elle est mariée depuis 25 ans. Ils ont deux enfants : Laurence qui est en dernière année de génie civil à l’université McMaster à Hamilton et Simon qui est en dernière année au programme de Chefs et Art Culinaire au collège George Brown à Toronto.
M0677 Gilles Maranda, RMC 1995, will be retiring from the Royal Canadian Navy following a successful career of more than 27 years. His retirement will become effective 18 Jan 2013. LCdr Maranda joined the Canadian Forces in 1985 as an ordinary seaman (312 (stoker)) under the METTP program. In 1988 he was promoted to Master Seaman and served in various positions ashore and on ships on the west coast. In 1991, LCdr Maranda was selected for the university training program for non commissioned members and was sent to the Royal Military College in Kingston to pursue a Bachelors Degree in mechanical engineering. After completing his degree in 1995 he was promoted to sub-lieutenant and was posted back to the west coast where he served in various positions ashore and at sea. He served as engineering officer of HMCS Regina and was promoted to his current rank upon completion of his tour as EO. Upon leaving HMCS Regina he was accepted for a two year post graduate studies at RMC where he obtained a master of business administration and upon graduation he was posted to Ottawa. He has been serving in DGLEPM / DSSPM for the last six years. Gilles and his wife Marie-Andree currently reside in Clarence-Rockland, Ontario with their sons Charles-Antoine and Etienne. His retirement from the RCN has been put forth after having accepted a position with the town of Clarence-Rockland as the director of infrastructure and engineering. A formal departure ceremony will take place 17 January, 2013 at 1130 hours, main bar HMCS Bytown in Ottawa.
21252 Paul La Hay, Class of ’98, is back in Victoria after spending time inland to complete his Masters in Network Security at RMC and working in the NCR. He just completed his tour as MSEO aboard HMCS Algonquin and is now working in MARPAC. Paul and his family are enjoying their return to the West coast climate where he is helping his son out with Cubs, teaching him how to fish and how to skate.
24656 Murray McClafferty, Class of ’10, and his wife Rebecca Robichaud welcomed into the world Evelyn Rose on the 21st November, 2012 in Winchester, ON weighing in at 9 lbs 3 oz. also to the proud Uncle 25418 Jeremy McClafferty, Class of ’12. Murray is currently on parental leave from the Directorate of Information Management and Engineering Integration in Ottawa as a Junior Systems Analyst.
In late December, two Ex Cadets – 7855 Paul Hession – back row, third from left & 13130 Claude Lareau – back row. far left – were part of 14 employees from Information Technology Services Branch who were honoured with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for their exceptional contributions to ITSB and support to Public Works and Government Services Canada. Recipients were awarded the medals by John Rath-Wilson, ITSB’s Chief Information Officer, in an intimate ceremony that celebrated the achievements of these individuals and which have truly embodied the spirit of serving Government and Serving Canadians.
ITSB is very proud of these individuals who have distinguished themselves through their commitment and devotion to service excellence.
Congratulations to all!