
“I have a great deal of respect for those Grads who come out the other end not just smarter and more capable leaders, but better people…” 

25366 NCdt Mike Shewfelt recently had the chance to sit down, briefly, with Maj Donnie Monroe, RMCC’s outgoing Deputy Director of Cadets.

e-Veritas: Sir, what were your expectations upon coming to RMCC…?

Maj Donnie Monroe: In coming to RMCC I was very much looking forward to being the A Division Commander. I had just finished the challenging position of leading the ATC Unit at 8 Wing Trenton and was very pleased to have been given the opportunity to lead the CF’s young leaders from the position of Div Comd. Like Air Power, flexibility is the key to being successful. Instead of going to the Div Comd position I went to the DDCdts position and without any knowledge of that job I entered RMCC with little idea of what to expect but with the confidence and energy to know I would be able to make a difference.

e-Veritas: What, sir, are the highlights that stand out for you from your time at the College, both the good and the bad…?

Maj Donnie Monroe:  Highlights, for me, are always the people; interacting with the many individuals that I have had the opportunity to work with and rely upon as DDCdts was a blessing. Beyond that, in very general terms, I’ve gained an appreciation for the challenges that RMCC graduates must overcome which has led me to a great deal of respect for those RMCC graduates who come out the other end as better people, not just smarter and more capable, but better. The demands of my job, which cost me the opportunity to  impact and interact with the OCdts from a leadership perspective, as a Div Comd does, is one disappointment I have.

e-Veritas: What do you appreciate about working with the Cadets…?

Maj Donnie Monroe: I very much enjoy the youthful energy that comes from working with the Cadets. I come from a teaching background and I see my interactions as an opportunity to pass on my experiences. In return I get a jolt of energy and enthusiasm.

e-Veritas: What advice would you leave for the Cadets, if any, sir…?

Maj Donnie Monroe: My advice, cliché as it may sound is this: don’t let failures or successes get in the way of your progress. Analyze them, learn from them, and move forward.

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