RMC Business Students Finish 3rd at CMA Competition
By 25783 OCdt (III) Jordon Hennessey
This past weekend four RMC business students travelled to McMaster University in Hamilton to take part in the seventh annual Certified Managerial Accountants Case Competition (CMACC). The team consisted of: 25389 OCdt (IV) Phillip Ah Chin Kow, 25303 NCdt (IV) Jonathan Day, 25540 NCdt Sébastien (III) Hebert, and 25783 OCdt (III) Jordon Hennessey. Twenty-five teams from business schools across Ontario such as Western, Ryerson, Queen’s, York, and Lakehead to name a few, participated in the competition.
The 5 hour case consisted of a computer based simulation of a failing GPS producer (GlobalTech) who has hired an outside consultant to turn the company around. For the simulation, students took the role of the outside consultant and were given 78 (virtual) weeks and $500,000 to implement a variety of change tactics to turn the company around. Teams who made the best use of the resources and were successful in reviving the company were victorious.
The cadets from RMC did very well, fluctuating from first and second place until the last 5 minutes when they were pushed back to third. The winner, York University and the runner up, Lakehead University, received $5,000 and $2,500, respectfully. Unfortunately third received no prize, though the experience gained and lessons learned will prove priceless in their future careers. The team can also walk away with the pride in beating RMC’s long time rival, Queen’s University.
The team would like to thank CMA Ontario, The Department of Business Administration, and the Training Wing for giving them the time and opportunity to participate.
Des étudiants en administration des affaires finissent 3e à la compétition d’étude de cas du CMA
Par 25783 OCdt (III) Jordon Hennessey
La fin de semaine dernière, quatre étudiants du département d’administration des affaires du collège militaires royal du canada ont pris part à la septième compétition annuelle d’étude de cas de l’ordre des comptables certifiés en management de l’Ontario (CMACC). L’équipe était constitué de : 25389 Élof (IV) Phillip Ah Chin Kow, 25303 Aspm (IV) Jonathan Day, 25540 Aspm (III) Sébastien Hebert, et 25783 Élof (III) Jordon Hennessey. Cette compétition opposait 25 équipes représentant les diverses écoles de commerce de l’Ontario notamment : les universités Western, Ryerson, Queen’s, York et Lakehead pour n’en nommer que quelques-unes.
La compétition consistait d’une simulation informatique d’une durée de 5 heures, et mettant en scène une compagnie déficiente qui développe et commercialise des GPS (GlobalTech). Cette compagnie engage une équipe de consultants pour changer le focus de la compagnie du commercial au militaire. Les consultants disposent d’une limite de temps (78 semaines virtuelles) et de ressources (500 000 $) pour implémenter une série de tactiques pour réaliser l’objectif de la compagnie. L’équipe qui réussit à sauver la compagnie avec la meilleure utilisation des ressources, gagne la compétition.
Les élèves-officier du CMR se sont distingués au cours de cette compétition, oscillant entre la première et la deuxième position jusqu’à la presque fin où ils se sont finalement classés troisième. La première et deuxième position, l’université York et Lakehead, recevait 5000 et 2500$ respectivement. Malheureusement la troisième position ne recevait pas de prix monétaire. Par contre, l’expérience et les leçons acquises au cours de cette compétition seront très bénéfiques pour les futures carrières des Élof. L’équipe bénéficie également de la joie d’avoir battu l’université Queen, la rivale naturelle du CMR, à plate couture.
L’équipe tient à remercier CMA Ontario, le département d’administration des affaires ainsi que l’escadre d’encadrement pour avoir participer à cette compétition, ce fût une expérience hors pair.
IV Year OCdts Attend Army Mess Dinner
Article & Photos by OCdt (I) Catherine Larocque, 26263
On January 28th 2012 the 4th year army OCdts had the opportunity to attend the Army Mess Dinner. For many of them, this was one of their final opportunities to meet as a group in this setting prior to graduation. The visiting Norwich cadets also attended the dinner and had the opportunity to experience Canadian military customs.
Every opportunity was taken to make the most of the evening. OCdt (IV) Alexandre Labelle, 25514, and OCdt (IV) Eric Robb, 24992, among others, entertained the guests with interesting antics. Following the dinner, the RMCC pipes and drums, as well as highland dancers, performed for the guests.
Many thanks extended to the guest of honour, Major-General J.R. Ferron, OMM, CD, Commander of the 1st Canadian division, the PMC Capt Moise Morrissette, the VPMC OCdt (IV) Eric Blakie, 25284, and of course the OPI OCdt (IV) Max Reinthaler, 25246, without whom the evening would not have been possible.
More photos from the event:
Kingston Branch Gets Family Time
Members of the Kingston Branch of the RMC Club got together for their monthly luncheon on Wednesday 1 Feb 2012. As usual, this event comprised refreshments, lunch, and finally a brief presentation, in this case by Mr. Terry Telford, Marketing & PR Coodinator for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre. Mr. Telford spoke on how the Centre serves the needs of military members and their families in the Kingston area in general and, more particularly, how the Centre is refocusing its efforts to meet the needs of cadets at RMC. Said Mr. Telford, “We weren’t doing anything to meet those needs.”
The Kingston Military Family Resource Centre provides support services for every area of military family life, from support aimed at making transitioning into the Kingston area easier to support for the families of deployed members. The Centre, although government funded, is listed as a local charitable organization, with about 30 % of its budget coming from charitable donations. And that, according to Mr. Telford, is one of the ways in which the Club can help. “Donations are always welcome,” he said. “That and communication are the biggest ways the Club can help. Many military members don’t know that we exist, and we need to get the word out.”
The Kinston Branch, represented by Treasurer, 5256 Gwyn (Griff) Griifith, (left) also presented 14356 Michael Rostek, Executive Director, RMC Club of Canada, with a cheque for $1500 to assist with financial challenges facing the Club. Two members of the Cadet Wing were in attendance and gave brief backgrounds of themselves: NCdt (IV) Shane Beaudry, 25182, and OCdt (IV) Marie-Pier Blanchard-Messier, 25064.
The next Kingston Branch get together is scheduled for 7 Mar 2012 at 12:00 noon at the RMC SSM. All ex-Cadets (of all ages) in the area are encouraged to attend. Mark it on your calendar! Visit the branch web site.
More photos from the get together:
Photos by NCdt (IV) Mike Shewfelt, 25366
CWC Brings in New Standard of Behaviour
Wednesday morning PMT (Professional Military Training) sessions at RMC are typically both very busy and extremely important. While this past Wednesday morning was an easier one for the Cadet Wing after a busy training weekend, it was by no means less important. CWC OCdt (IV) Martin De Souza, 25447, used the time to give briefings to each class of the Wing on the new Standard of Behaviour. This Standard of Behaviour, with its 10 Key Principles, is intended to bridge the gap between the RMC Motto of Truth, Duty, Valour, and the daily life of the Cadets. In essence, it will help the Cadet Wing to live out that motto, whether on duty or not.
C Div Commander Maj Urzinger (picture above, right) rounded out the briefings with a presentation on the importance of leadership and character in the lives of junior officers.
The following photos are from the briefing given to the Third Year class.
Photos by NCdt (IV) Mike Shewfelt, 25366
AERE Cadets Attend Toronto Garrison Officers’ Ball
Article by OCdt (IV) Cori Lee, 25416
This past weekend four RMC 4th year AERE Cadets, OCdt Cori Lee 25416, OCdt Angela Dey 25448, OCdt Edward Jensen 25501 and OCdt Nicolas Poirier 25041, had the privileged opportunity to attend the Toronto Garrison Officers’ Ball, which is the premiere military social event of the year. The ball was held at the Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex hosted by the 32 Canadian Brigade Group in Toronto. Each year Mr.Coyle, a former honorary colonel of the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace, Technology, and Engineering (CFSATE), takes it upon himself to ensure that there is a strong Air Force presence at the ball. This year Mr. Coyle sponsored six Air Force tables at the ball, which provided the four Cadets the opportunity to meet and exchange stories with many distinguished and experienced officers in their field. The night was filled with a strong sense of camaraderie, fine dining, dancing and Pipe and Drum music by the world class bands of the 32 Brigade.
Unless otherwise stated, articles above by NCdt (IV) Mike Shewfelt, 25366