First Year / Winter Term @ RMC, April 1950 – 3069 W.A. McColl
3 April 1950
Quite a bit has happened since my last entry. Lt Shaw has been raising hell with inspections. On the night of the 31st, we started out to raise all the hell we could. I set about a half dozen alarm clocks ahead in quite a few rooms. Some of us set out to put a siphon in Gilberts’ bed but he woke up, so we went up to Cochrane’s room. Cricket woke up when Jim Graham & I were in the room. I was carrying the waste-paper basket full of water & Cricket tackled me. The water spilled all over the hall and we wrestled for a few moments until I was able to break away from him. Anyway, he didn’t recognize me. Some of the guys from 2 Sqn set the electric clocks ahead.
On April 1, all kinds of queer things were happening. I lost my bureau for a while. More pistol shooting on Sat. afternoon. About 60 guys went to communion on Sunday morning. It’s quite popular because we miss the parade. Cricket found out somehow that it was I who was in his room. He charged me for creating a disturbance after 1900. Had my French oral exam this morning and I don’t think that I did too badly. Got 2 DD’s today. John MacLachlan was Wing Ding and he drilled me for ½ hour. I was the only defaulter since Dewar was on fire piquet. I’m class senior for the next two weeks. What a thrill!
It’s very foggy today. The ice went out last night very unobtrusively. On Saturday, Scotty (W.R.) blew up and hit Miller, who was runner at the time. He broke his glasses, nose and denture. There was a big gag of criminals to go over to Major Brooks’ office today. The boys who fixed the clock (Simpson, Bigelow, Hoffman) got off, Scotty’s case was set ahead and Cricket got the measles. What a helluva note that would be if I got them from him!
4 April 1950
We had our Physics lab exam today. I was lucky & drew Denman for a partner. We did the Temperature Coefficient Of Resistance which turned out OK. After that I had defaulter’s drill in the Old Gym because it was raining. It was terribly hot in there and ½ hours’ drill was enough to raise one good sweat. Then I had a bit of revolver shooting. Made our squadron team for the pistol match. Bob got a box of chocolates today & they were very nice. I nearly slept thru the tattoo parade but Brian Watson came in & woke me up at about 2 min before the parade. Some of the boys that were quarantined are getting out now. The rest of them hang out the windows and yell up to the rest of us. The courtyard out here behind the dorm is full of coke bottles & ‘dead soldiers’ now that all the snow has melted.