3877 David Springett (RMC 1957)David R. Springett, Ph.D., has been a director of Chordiant since January 2000. Dr. Springett has served as president of the Community College Foundation, an educational foundation since February 1994. Dr. Springett was also president of Strategic Marketing Associates, a marketing company from January 1992 to January 1994 and held various
positions with Xerox Corporation, a photocopy and computer equipment company, from May 1963 to May 1991, including vice-president, strategic marketing and director, European marketing. He is a member of the board of directors of the California Vehicle Foundation and the California State Commission on Welfare Reform and Training. Dr. Springett has received degrees from the Royal Military College of Canada, the University of Toronto, Queen’s University and Harvard
University. http://www.chordiant.com/company/board.html
10351 Mr Claude JPC Émond (CMR RMC 1974), ing., MEng, MBA, PMP est associé principal chez QualiScope Inc.(www.qualiscope.ca ) et associé responsable du développement des connaissances pour l’Institut de formation en gestion de projets/IFGP (www.ifgp.ca ). Il oeuvre depuis plus de 25 ans auprès d’organisations voulant augmenter leurs
bénéfices d’affaires par la mise en place de processus corporatifs « orientés projets » plus efficaces. Il les accompagne et les conseille aussi lors de l’émergence et de l’évolution de la nouvelle culture «agile» qui doit en découler. Il enseigne la gestion des risques pour l’IFGP et dans le cadre du certificat post-universitaire de gestion de projet de Laval/York, et accompagne les organisations dans la gestion des enjeux touchant les parties prenantes et les risques y étant associés. Il est aussi co-leader de l’équipe internationale qui a rédigé la nouvelle norme du PMI sur la gestion de portefeuille de projet ainsi que membre de l’équipe restreinte assurant le leadership du développement des 2 nouvelles normes du PMI: celle pour la gestion de programme et celle pour la gestion de portefeuille.
[email protected] / http://www.qualiscope.ca/francais/francais.html
Translation by Victoria Edwards:
10351 Mr Claude JPC Émond (CMR RMC 1974), Eng., MEng, MBA, PMP is a principal analyst with QualiScope Inc. (www.qualiscope.ca ) and responsible for the development of training in project management/IFGP (www.ifgp.ca ). He has worked for over 25 years with organizations wanting to increase their profits by implementing projects more effectively. He works in risk management for IFGP and in the framework of the masters certificate in project management at
Laval/York. He is also co-leader of the international team that authored the new policy of the PMI on the management of funding of projects as well as member of the team developing the 2 new norms in the PMI: the one for the project management and the financial management.
11104 Douglas Konkin (RMC 1976) is Vice President of Product Development at Solido Design Automation in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Mr. Konkin, previously a Director of Software Development for fabless semiconductor company PMC-Sierra, directs the development of Solido’s transistor-level statistical design and verification software. He received a M.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Saskatchewan, and a B.Sc. degree in engineering physics
from the Royal Military College in Ontario Canada. Between receiving his bachelor’s and master’s degrees he served as a signal officer in the Canadian Army. Solido Design Automation is Doug’s fourth startup.
13016 Luc Perron (CMR RMC 1982), B.Eng., M.Sc. is the Vice-President of Product Management at Optosecurity. He is a recognized expert in Imaging and Enterprise Content Management. Prior to joining Optosecurity, he was a senior IT consultant for DMR Consulting. Luc was also an Aerospace Engineer in the Canadian Armed Forces and retired with the rank of Major after 20 years of service. Luc holds a Master’s Degree in Imaging Science as well as an Advanced
Certificate in Optical Storage Applications from the Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, NY). He is a graduate from the Royal Military College (Kingston, ON) where he earned a B.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 1999, he was awarded the title of Master of Information Technology by the Association for Information
and Image Management (AIIM). http://optoscreener.com/Team.html
13568 Ed Wendlandt (CMR RMC 1984) has been a Senior Consultant with Emergency Response Management Consulting since 2003 after a career with the Canadian military and a major Canadian aerospace company, that included responsibility for and delivery of Emergency Response. As a Senior Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering
Director at CFB Comox and as Commanding Officer of the Field Technical Unit at CFB Cold Lake, he was responsible for planning, auditing, implementing and evaluating Emergency Response actions for the military including military response to civilian disasters and events. Ed holds a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada and a Master of Science Degree in Thermal Power from Cranfield University in the UK. �
http://www.ru-ready.com/staff.htm / [email protected]
16017 James P O’Brien (RMC 1987) is an Assistant Professor and Ph.D. Candidate, in the program of Management And Organizational Studies at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. His research interests include judgment and decision-making, at the individual and team level, and human resource selection. He earned a BA at the Royal Military College of Canada; a MA at Queen’s; and a MBA at Memorial University. [email protected] / http://mos.uwo.ca/faculty/jobrien/