Ex-Cadets & More in the News

H7543 Senator Joe Day Honoured with Engineers Canada Fellowship “Senator Day has truly played a significant role in promoting the profession as a professional engineer and parliamentarian,” Source *** The Aircraft Arresting System (AAS) Team of 22450 Maj Paul Whalen (RMC 2002) (3rd from right), Capt Steven Vézina, MWO Jean-Marc Bériault and Gabriella Sabou were…

Who Are They?

  1. Who Is It? a) Paul Roman; b) Adrian Travis; c) Adam Gordon; or d) Bruce McAlpine Maintenance Officer – Department of National Defence – 2 Combat Engineer Regiment Deputy Base Commander – Department of National Defence – Area Support Unit Toronto Business Development Consultant – Gordon’s Estate Services Senior Consultant – SECOR Manager…

The Week That Was… at RMCC

Renowned Canadian Artist James Keirstead visited RMCC last Tuesday – 4 Mar. Many of Keirstead’s works appear in the halls of the Mackenzie Building and other locations within the college. These Keirstead paintings are part of a substantial donation by 7076 John van Haastrecht. – Class of 1966. Previous e-Veritas article on John van Haastrecht…

Air Force Mess Dinner

RMCC 4th Years Air Force Mess Dinner This past Wednesday, the 5th of March, the Fourth Year officer cadets of the Royal Canadian Air Force joined together with many distinguished guests for the annual Fourth Year RCAF Mess Dinner. With the Meet and Greet beginning at 18h00, and the event as a whole continuing until…

Training for the “M”

Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training   1st Year Class: On Wednesday March 5th for PMT, the First Years of the Cadet Wing conducted their first rucksack march at RMCC in order to prepare their kit for this summer’s Basic Military Officer Qualification course. This familiarized them with how to pack a ruck sack properly…

Two Plays that the Foundation Sponsored: Hair & The Two Worlds of Charlie F

Hair & The Two Worlds of Charlie F By: M0737 Maj Andrew Belyea, CD, PhD – Assistant Professor | Department of English For the past several years now, the RMCC Foundation has generously supported learning at the College by sponsoring English Department theatre trips that provide students from across the disciplinary spectrum with relevant, meaningful,…

Cadets Travel to Florida to Jump From Perfectly Good Aircraft

Cadets Spend Their Reading Week Skydiving in Florida Article by: 25997 OCdt (IV) Andrew Birchall, 7 Sqn Who wants to jump out of a perfectly good airplane for their spring break? Surprisingly, a large group of adrenaline-seeking RMCC Cadets and a few graduates signed up and slapped down over $1,800 each to do exactly that!…

Experiencing Guatemala & Kenya in More Ways than One

Guatemala 2014 : À la découverte de la terre des Mayas – un article par Élof Charlotte Raymond (26060) et Brenden Hogan (26566) Le 17 février dernier, après un départ retardé de plus de 2 jours dû à la température et à la difficulté de trouver un autre vol accommodant 10 personnes, l’équipe Guatemala 2014…

8057 Ross McKenzie, Curator: “Are You a Burial Party?”- A story from the Great War

“Are You a Burial Party?”- A story from the Great War introduced by: 8057 Ross McKenzie, Curator For the very first issue of the RMC Review, published May 1920, the Commandant, 151 Major-General Sir Archibald C. Macdonell, KCB, CMG, DSO, submitted a short article that appeared as: “A Night in the Salient- Hooge Sector: After…

Juno Beach Centre Association Notice & Robert E. Lee Quote

In honour of the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings, the Juno Beach Centre Association is paying tribute to the Canadians who lost their lives on June 6, 1944. Canada’s D-Day Tribute Campaign will see a field of 359 tribute markers – one for every Canadian killed in action on D-Day – installed on the…

They piled into the RCMP truck, sirens blaring and gravel spinning as they sped out of the parking lot.

A year ago, e-Veritas ran a four part series featuring the writing of 25366 Mike Shewfelt, whose fantasy novel “The Phaireoir Legacy” tells the story of College Cadet Jim Carmichael, and his journey on horseback from Kingston to Calgary and beyond. Now that Mike is back in Kingston, we’re picking up where we left off.…

“Today the senior cadets who intend going P.F. (Permament Force) were told that they will all spend a year in Korea starting one month after graduation.”

9 Mar 52 Church parade today was into Kingston and like yesterday we had a dandy march in with a good deal of singing. There’s no way of expressing how much easier and shorter the march is when there’s a good song to march to. Once again I went to Chalmers St United to hear…
