
Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

‘We are the victims’; Joe Grozelle’s father says he’s still seeking answers years after his son’s death… more… http://www.chathamdailynews.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=744366&auth=ERICA+BAJER Patricia Howes, Outstanding Head Coach – RMC Fencing Program September Coach of the Month There are those that watch things happen and those who make things happen. Patricia Howes, Head Coach of the RMC Varsity Fencing…


Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

The Aim of the Canadian Defence Attaché (CDA) Program is to promote and support CF / DND objectives and operations through standing military representation at selected Canadian diplomatic missions abroad. As such, the Role of the CDA is to represent the CF / DND in countries of accreditation and to advise the Head of Mission…


Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

14199 Serge Carignan (CMR RMC ’84) has hung up his military uniform. He is now an EX-01 working as a Director Combat Support Equipment Management Serge may be reached: carignan.s@forces.gc.ca or at (819) 994-8238. Natalie K Jones – nominee for CF Female Athlete of the Year.


Flashback | Rétrospective

Oral Histories 2073 Brigadier-General Dr. John JAW Bennett (RMC 1929)…. “The idea is that no officer should ever have under his command any soldier that has ever had to put up with anything in the way of military discipline that he hasn’t had to put up with as a cadet, and more too. So the…



Membres du Club des CMR, Depuis la fermeture du CMR Saint-Jean, en 1995, de nombreuses discussions ont eu lieu concernant le rapprochement entre le Club des Anciens du « RMC Kingston » et celui du «CMR Saint-Jean ». Afin de finaliser ce rapprochement le Chapitre de Montréal du Club des CMR deviendra le Chapitre de…


We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels

I am only now reading the excellent book “Canada’s RMC” by Preston. Every page adds to the measure of pride one feels, and good fortune for being a part of the RMC experience. I write to recommend that some day, when you may be looking for a quote that “says it all”, the citation from…


Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires

One of the major comforts of retirement is the end of ambition. The 12 years since we have hung up our military uniform for the last time have pruned our ambitions, such as they were, with a ruthless hand. Bill was not only in the rat race for close to 40 years – a lot…



Veterans’ Week runs from November 5-11 in Canada. It is a time to honour and remember those Canadians that have served their country in times of war, military conflict, and peace. Throughout the week, commemorative events and activities will be held in communities across Canada. (Click banner for link) La Semaine des anciens combattant a…


In This Issue 23 – Dans ce numéro

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Avro Arrow spent the night at RCAF Station Trenton; Commandant and predecessors have something in common; Death…


Quotation | Citation

On February 2nd 1959 a Trans Canada Airlines Viscount landed wheels up at Malton Airport, blocking the main runway. Test Pilot Peter Cope diverted to RCAF Station Trenton the only time the Avro Arrow landed anywhere but at Malton. The aircraft stayed overnight and departed with “Spud” Potocki at the controls the next morning. Photos…


Trivia | Bagatelle

The present Commandant, BGen Tom Lawson, and four former RMC Commandants all have another thing in common. At least one of their children graduated from RMC.Which one of the five is also himself the child of an Ex Cadet from RMC? A. 2530 William K Lye (RMC ’36); B. 3173 John Stewart (RRMC /RMC ’53);…