Thank You / merci…

A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club: Updated since 19 July: G4482 Brian Lebreton Life; 8985 Randy Stowell; 4987 J. David Lee; 3068 Sidney A. Lundell; 7342 John D. Brewster;…

2011 Vimy Award / Reunion Weekend Posters / Royal Roads Paverstone Campaign

2011 Vimy Award – call for nominations / Prix Vimy 2011 – appel de nominations REUNION WEEKENDS’ POSTERS – RMCSJ & RMCC ROYAL ROADS PAVERSTONE CAMPAIGN: cutoff date is rapidly approaching

Letter to the Editor – The RMC Commandant’s Frozen Salary

Dear Sir: The appointment of a new commanding officer or, in the case of the Royal Military College of Canada a new Commandant, is cause for reviewing the position’s terms of reference. As such, I would be remiss in not drawing to the Commandant’s attention (through the medium of e-Veritas) the regrettable state of his…

Photos: The Way It Was…

In this Issue 28

e-Veritas still looking for Realtor Ad partners! We are still looking for business partners in the REALTORS industry across Canada. We are currently in discussions with a number of Realtors from coast to coast. Some have already signed a contract with us while a number of others are “thinking about it”. Help us out…have a…

RMCC Gets New Commandant

Photos by: Brad Lowe “La contribution importante des anciens du collège au sein de la socièté canadienne depuis son existence est remarquable. Sur notre territoire ou à l’étranger les actions de nos anciens ont fait et continue toujours de faire une diffèrence. Within the Profession of Arms, an officer well educated is the source of…

Ex-Cadets & More in the News

Veteran shares impressions as Afghanistan winds down “The ‘winding down’, as it is described, is important to me not as a reference to change in our mission, but as a reminder of what we’ve accomplished in almost a decade,” 20447 Mark Nasmith   Read the article _______________________________ Afghanistan war memorial returns to Canada “Putting up…

Where are they now?

New Dean of Arts By: E3161 Victoria Edwards 9144 Dr. Lawrence McDonough was appointed the Director of Learning and Innovation at the Canadian Defence Academy in 2008 and has recently taken on the duties of the Dean of the Arts Faculty at RMCC. He hails from Sherbrooke, PQ. After completing high school in New Brunswick…

Chasse-Galerie 2011: Meghan Thompson & Cindy McAlpine

  “Logo courtesy of Sleeman/Unibroue” 25892 NCdt III Meghan Thompson recently interviewed , 20800 Cindy McAlpine one of fifteen Ex-Cadets who will raise money for the Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund by paddling a voyageur canoe from Ottawa to Kingston this September, 2011. Readers can make a pledge or donation at College Experience At…


WHO IS HE? Born in Saskatchewan, he joined the military in 1968; Served in several Destroyers and C F Station Aldergrove in that capacity, and was promoted to Petty Officer Second Class; In 1977, he was accepted for a commission under the University Training Program (Men) and studied at both RRMC and RMC; He subsequently…

More Members Stepping Up Every Week

  A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club: Updated since 11 July: 3220 William James; 6071 Mervyn Lougher-Goodey; 4516 Donald Lemna – Life; 4381 Robert Moulton; 2919 Robert Simpson; 13181…

Does the CF lack opportunities for higher education? Brent Fisher doesn’t think so

Does the CF lack opportunities for higher education? One PG student doesn’t think so By: 24712 A/SLT Brent Fisher – Department of Business Administration, RMCC I was recently asked if I was interested in writing for e-Veritas once again, and I began to strongly consider the idea. But when I came across a very interesting…
