Sandhurst Competition

Photo: OCdt (IV) Joel Morris Sandhurst 2011 – What the commandant Commodore Bill Truelove had to say. ” Under very demanding weather conditions, the RMCC Sandhurst Team again displayed incredible leadership, fitness and mental toughness as they tackled the 3.5 hour course at West Point. While the outcome was not what they were hoping for,…

VB Coach Heading to China; 5 Trathletes Compete In California – 2 Qualify for Brazil

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) was founded in 1949 with the aim of achieving the following objectives: The development of university sports; The improvement of the moral and physical education of students; and Closer communication between students from around the world along with the unification of international university sports. Steve Leknois Heading to FISU…

“The Zone”: Health & P.P. Plus More

Peaking Performance Through the Natural Biological Chemistry of Our Bodies By: OCdt 25323 Kate Haddon   Photos By: Brad Lowe, CFB Kingston Photo   On Wednesday, April 6th I had the opportunity to sit in on 25380 OCdt Liam Wright and 25187 OCdt Abby Edmison’s presentation for their biochemistry course (CCE 460). The topic of their…

RRMC Memories: Karen Inkster Vance Is Back!

Long time e-Veritas readers will recognize the name Karen Inkster. Karen was married last year and it has been a whirlwind year – moving, new job, another new job, moving again. Through it all she has maintained a small contract with RRU to continue to work with ex-cadets. xxxxx xxx Major (Ret’d) Rohan J. Maxwell,…

Careers | Carrières

x Engineer – Structures / Ingénieur(e) – Ouvrages d’arts – Montreal – Ville de Montréal. (min. exp. 4 years) Project Engineer / Ingénieur de projets – Montreal – ABB Canada (min. exp. 4 years) Mechanical Engineer – Project Manager / Ingénieur mécanique – Chargé de projet – Merkur – Québec (min. exp. 7 years) Head…

Flashback: The ’90s

Take a peek through the ’90s Research & layout: 25323 Kate Haddon The 1990s saw many strange occurrences including the cloning of Dolly the sheep in the UK, the launching of the Hubble telescope, Wayne Gretzky, Seinfeld and Marilyn Manson. The following is a collection of e-Veritas’ personal collection, many of which are graduates of…

Who Is He?

Who Is He?   Former Redmen hockey player; played for both “The Major”, Danny McLeod & Tom Walton; He obtained a BEng degree from the Royal Military College of Canada; Obtained his LLB from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia; He is a member of the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association; In…

In This Issue 15

ISSUE 15: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Sandhurst Competition This Week At USMA Catching Up With the News BRANCH UPDATES: KINGSTON &…

Sandhurst Competition This Week At USMA

On the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that on other days and other fields will bear the fruits of victory. General Douglas MacArthur US WWII general & war hero (1880 – 1964) RMC Sandhurst Team Moves to West Point for the Final Push Competition tests all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and…

Catching Up With the News

13766 Konrad Mech met a couple of ex-Cadets south of the Equator recently. First, a classmate, 13801 Steven Strauss, was 1st Officer on the 777 flight on AC92 from Toronto to Santiago, Chile on Sunday March 13th. Steve’s wife Lavinica was also on the flight. Steven gave Konrad a tour of the cockpit and the…


Kingston Branch Making A Difference Photo: Last day on the job! Front – 5207 Andrew Robb; Middle – A 118 Ray Dignum; Back left – 4976 Reg Watts; Back right – 3572 Frank Norman. ‘It’ Completed After 4 Years of Work By: Andrew Robb ‘It’ is finally completed, after four years and many dedicated hours…

Ex-Cadets in the News

15492 Dave Cochrane leaving CFB Trenton Heading to Australia this summer Article by: Ernst Kuglin and Jerome Lessard – The Trentonian After spending the last year lifting the morale of the country’s largest air base, Col. Dave Cochane will be lifting off for a new challenge. The Trentonian has learned Cochrane will head to Australia…
