You May Know These 24…But Do You Really Know Them?

Match the photo with the clue or the quotation – recently appointed as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013. – first served as a field artillery officer before pursing an academic career; he is a graduate of both the MA (1995) and PhD (2005) War Studies…

In This Issue 27 – Revised

We have experienced a technical problem preventing us from Posting Issue 27. We are working on the problem. We regret the inconvenience. Nous éprouvons des problèmes techniques qui nous empêchent de vous faire parvenir le numéro 27 de e-Veritas. Nous sommes à l’oeuvre afin de résoudre ce problème. Nous regrettons tous inconvénients que cela peut…


xxx JULY 5, 2010 – A Day of Transition at Royal Military College of Canada Photos by: 24487 Dan Fleming IN THIS ISSUE 26: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the…

So long, Farewell, Auf wiedersehen, Aurevoir to DCdt and CCWO.

XXXVIII Director of Cadets Heading Off To Ottawa By: WJO There was Change of Command at RMC earlier today (5 July). LCol Tony O’Keeffe signed off after a two year stint as Director of Cadets. The Chateauguay Quebec native and 29 CF veteran moved into the DCdt position after being Chief of Staff for one…

Welcome, Bienvenue, Willkommen, Aloha to DCdt and CCWO

A running start A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) As the incoming Director of Cadets, Lieutenant Colonel Sue Wigg is no stranger to the Royal Military College. She graduated in 1984 as one of the first 32 female officer cadets to attend the institution. “Opportunity knocked,” said LCol Wigg, as she explained what drew her…

The Department of Applied Military Science Graduation

2010 GRADUATES: LAND FORCE TECHNICAL STAFF PROGRAMME – LFTSP SERIAL 15 ARMY TECHNICAL WARRANT OFFICER PROGRAMME – ATWOP SERIAL 7 Caption: MGen A. Howard addresses the graduates, families and faculty. The Department of Applied Military Science graduated its 15th course of Land Forces Technical Staff Officers and 7th class of Master Gunners under the Army…

Ex-Cadets & More in the News

Canadian general sees ‘deeper progress’ “Why do you have a military? It’s so you can make places as bad and as difficult as this better,” he said. “If we didn’t go to places where people die to do better, we’d be addressing the easy things. We’d probably be addressing the challenges that could fix themselves.”…

Where are they now?

22695 Captain Michael Davie (RMC 2003)`s tour to Afghanistan in 2006,  didn’t include a bugler for Canadian ramp ceremonies; they only had a piper. If a bugler was involved in a ramp ceremony (as he believes they have sometimes been on subsequent tours), they would typically play Last Post and Rouse (often mistakenly referred to…

Look At Who Is Pulling The Plug

RETIREMENTS: 12423 Richard (Rick) Houseman; 12402 Daniel Cloutier, CD (CMR 1980); 19486 Ian Krepps (RMC 1994); 7805 Frank Edward Rivers (RRMC RMC 1968); 19691 Brigitte Lachance (CMR 1995); 19204 Sophie Martel (RMC 1994)

Who Is He?

Born in Croyden, England. Spent two years at Royal Roads and was easily the backbone of the Roads basketball team for two years. Team Captain and high scorer for the RMC basketball team in IV Year. Spent his final year at C.F.L “C” Flight in the Stone Frigate – where he always reminded rookies of…

Victoria Edwards & Doug Craft – In Conversation

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) recently spoke with  MWO Doug Craft, CD, who was posted to RMC as Band Officer / Band Sergeant Major / Drum Instructor from 2002-2007. E-veritas: What was your primary duty? What do you consider the high-light of serving at the Military College? MWO Doug Craft: I spent six years at…

Karen Inkster-Vance Is Back!

(Click on photo for better viewing) Greetings Some of you may have noticed a slight absence of articles from me recently. The past few months have been very busy, as I was married in March and relocated to Vancouver to be with my husband. It was harder than I thought to leave Victoria and my…
