WEEK IN REVIEW/ Next Sunday Parade 21 March – All Welcome!

The week that was around R.M.C.C. Photo by: Brad Lowe Monday – Commandant and Col Bill Lewis – CO PG/Mil Faculty, held a ceremony in honour of the promotion of  LCol Joy Klammer. Joy has recently re-joined the RMC team as a member of the MPL department. Commodore Truelove put it best when describing LCol…

Air Force Mess Dinner & Flying Club members in the Ottawa area

x xxxxxxx IV Year Air Force Mess Dinner By: WJO Last Wednesday night the Senior Staff Mess (SSM) was packed and buzzing with staff; IV Year cadets and special guests – the occasion – The IV Year Air Force Mess Dinner. 12193 BRIGADIER-GENERAL T.F.J. LEVERSEDGE, DIRECTOR GENERAL AIR PERSONNEL was the special guest of honour.…


Michael T. Greenwood, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada. He is a cell and molecular biologist. His research is funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, where he serves as a member of the Scientific Review Committee. His research…

RMC Model NATO Team Own the Podium in Washington

From left to right: Maj. Ian Rutherford, OCdt Dean Saroop, OCdt George Gillam, OCdt Joycelyn Moffat, OCdt Jesse Melnyck, OCdt Matthew Hou, OCdt Maximillian Reinthaler RMC Model NATO Team comes home with nine gold medals! Authors: Dean Saroop, Maximillian Reinthaler, Joycelyn Moffat, Matthew Hou The Royal Military College of Canada won an unprecedented number of…

Keith Ambachtsheer recipient of the 2010 Lillywhite Award

Rotman Pension Expert Recognized for Lifetime Contributions to Economic Security. 6584 Keith Ambachtsheer (RRMC RMC 1965) The director of the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management at the Rotman School of Management of the University of Toronto has been recognized with an award for his outstanding lifetime contributions to Americans economic security. 6584 Keith Ambachtsheer…

Ex-Cadets in the News

22461 Major Claire Bramma (RMC 2002) says the harsh realities of her mission are hard to miss. The Engineer Squadron was deployed to Haiti for a 60-day project to assist in removing debris from the destroyed infrastructure. They are expected to return to Canadian soil by the end of March. A military engineer with the…

Where are they now?

11887 Major (Ret’d) Steven D. Gasser CD (RMC 1979) was born in 1956 and grew up primarily in Kimberley, British Columbia. When Mr. Gasser was 17 he was drawn to an ad put out by the Royal Military College highlighting a flying career and the educational benefits that went along with it. He wasted no…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Conférence du Major Tim Arsenault sur l’Afghanistan au CMR Saint-Jean – un article du Capitaine Carl Gosselin, officier des Sports au CMR de Saint-Jean Le Mercredi 24 février 2010, le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean a reçu la visite du Major Arsenault qui a présenté aux élèves-officiers et au personnel du Collège son expérience récente…

Running Circles at Royal Roads Military College

The photo is of a cadet giving a chit to the senior cadet to ask permission to run the circle (c. 1961-63). Running Circles at Royal Roads I was recently given a copy of the CADWINS (Cadet Wing Instructions) from 1965, and as one uninitiated to military life, I was completely astounded at the degree…

Notices | Avis

WiDS Scholarship Award Luncheon – 14491 Colonel Karen Ritchie (RMC 1985) The 3rd Annual Women in Defence and Security (WiDS) Scholarship Luncheon will be held March 25, 2010 at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Drawing Room. S148 General (ret) Rick Hillier will be the keynote speaker and will present the WiDS Memorial Scholarship Award to this…

Al Gordon (CMR RMC ’79) & Mike Taylor Varsity Sports Manager

World traveler has roots at military colleges 12070 Alan Gordon (CMR RMC 1979) By: A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore(RMC 2009) Born in Portage La Prairie, MB, Alan Gordon, CD, MBA, P.Eng, (CMR RMC 1979) has spent a lot of time on the move, thanks in part to the military. “I was a service brat so I…


CADETS FROM THE CLASS OF 1960 – HAVING FUN WITH COMMANDANT OF THE DAY! Special thanks to Victoria Edwards for these submissions from the past… xxx L to R: Doctor Jack Treddenick (RMC 1960); 4662 Mr. Jean DeGrasse (CMR RMC 1960); CWO 4759 BGen (Ret’d) Stu McGowan (CMR RMC 1960); F/Lt (Ret’d) Len Kubas (CMR…
