Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

xxxxxxxxx BLOOD CLINIC AT RMCSJ: A COLOSSAL SUCCESS By 25601 OCdt Jeremy Appolloni On January 15th 2010, the Officer Cadets from the Royal Military College (RMC) Saint-Jean hosted a blood donor clinic. Officer Cadet 25601 Jeremy Appolloni originally came up with the idea of having a blood donor clinic and he shared that idea with…

RMC Club of Canada – Three Branches Report In!

RMCSJ 8765 Claude Tassé, Président du Chap FSJ félicite chaleureusement 23309 Alexandre Dionne sous le regard amusé de 23482 Robert Levac. Les Fées, équipe formée de diplômés de la classe 2006 a remporté la catégorie masculine. 8765 Claude Tassé, President of the Fort St Jean Chapter, congratulates 23309 Alexandre Dionne under the watchful and amused…

RMCSJ BoG Profiles

This is the fourth in a series of five in which we are including profiles of members of the Royal Military College Saint-Jean Board of Governors. RMCSJ Reference Vice-Amiral (Retraité) J.C.J.Y. Forcier, CMM, CD Né à Trois-Rivières (Québec) le 11 novembre 1954, le Vice-amiral Forcier s’enrôle dans la Marine en décembre 1971. À la suite…

RMCC BoG Profiles

This is the fourth in a series of five in which we are including profiles of members of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) Board of Governors. RMCC Reference Blake C. Goldring, M.S.M., LL.D., CFA Blake C. Goldring holds an Honours BA in Economics from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Business…

Royal Roads Military College – Ships Bell

To: Webmaster@navalandmilitarymuseum.org, It has come to light only very recently that our office here at the RMC Protestant Chapel has in its possession the former Royal Roads Military College ships bell. Upon my arrival to Kingston last summer I inquired as to its origins with no success. The bell is unmarked and my immediate two…

Canadian Naval Centennial & Who am I?

Canadian Naval Centennial On this day in the Canadian Navy! JANUARY Did you know? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) Ten officers, thirty-two cadets and twenty-nine ratings from the Royal Canadian Naval College, who had been rendered homeless by the Halifax explosion in December 6 1917, came to Royal Military College, Kingston in January…

Careers | Carrières

[English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Here is a list of job opportunities provided by our partners from RHR with the working area and the experience required. Voici une liste des possibilités d’emploi fournis par nos partenaires de RHR avec la zone de travail et l’expérience requises. 1- Quality Assurance and Reliability Manager /…

Deaths | Décès

Just prior to e-Veritas 5 going to press – we received word that 2Lt François-Olivier Gauthier (RMC 2009) passed away suddenly at CFB Borden.  No other details are available at this time.  We expect to update this post as the week progresses and as more details become available. The funeral ceremony for François-Olivier is scheduled…


Please Remember: The RMC Club Relies On Its Members. Contact us to renew or to take out an annual or life membership. 1-888 386- 3762 http://www.rmcclub.ca/Membership.htm Do you wish to be taken off of our call list? If yes, let us know rmcclub@rmc.ca Souvenez vous que: Le Club des CMR compte sur ses membres. Afin…

Six Year Construction Project Has Started!

(Slide show photos by 25247 Ken Eady) A new sports field?  No! An extension to the parking lot? Definitely not! Then what? Renovation of Sawyer and Girouard Buildings The long awaited renovation of Sawyer and Girouard buildings is underway. Over the coming months  the project will take shape and unfold. A quick synopsis of the…

Cadets & Staff Dress-Down To Support Haiti

Caption 1: Cadets and professors alike wearing civilian dress in return for donating to the Canadian Red Cross for Haiti. Caption 2: Officer Cadets relaxing in Bill & Alfie’s in civilian dress and wearing a sticker of the Haiti flag showing they donated to the Red Cross effort in Haiti. Caption 3: OCdt (I) Balfour…

Ex-Cadets & Others in the News

Canadian ships arrive in Haiti, sailors get to work “In just over 30 minutes I’m going to have two ships deploying over 200 sailors ashore in two different locations,” McDonald said. 16885 Art McDonald (RMC 1990) FULL STORY HERE Navy crews eager to begin mission “We have limited amounts on board but we’re waiting, trying…
