What’s Happening At Royal Military College of Canada

Photo credit: Martin St-Amant. RMC Ex cadet Professor –  Shares Prestigious Best Paper Award 15028 Dr. Paul Roman, Department of Business Administration The Annual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) promotes cooperation among the Armed Services, Industry, Academia and various Government agencies in pursuit of improved training and education programs, identification of common training…

Who Am I?

By: E3161 Victoria Edwards I was born August 21st, 1860. While at high school in Napanee in 1876, I read an item in the “Globe” of Toronto asking for candidates for the newly established Military College at Kingston. On June 1st, 1876, I entered the first class at the Military College as one of the…


I REMEMBER: 2399 BILL LANDYMORE As captain of HMCS Iroquois, he knew every sailor by name RCNC016 CHRISTOPHER PRATT Christopher Pratt, captain (RCN) retired, writes about Admiral Bill Landymore, whose obituary appeared Dec. 15 in The Globe and Mail. Not one person who knew him would be able to write a full memoir of Bill…


17557 LCol Troy M Crosby, DAEPM ft 5, will be retiring from the regular force on 4 Jan 09 after 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CF and the AERE branch. Lcol Crosby joined the CF on 28 June 1986 and graduated from CMR St-Jean in 1991. He subsequently completed the AERE…

We get emails

I wrote this article in order to explain, in laymen’s terms, what an Engineer is and what we are responsible for in my industry. I often hear wails of discontent coming from trades people who have been made to comply with project specifications, etc. to which they may have taken a dislike. For the most…

In This Issue 45

To those of you who will be celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus on the 25 December – Merry Christmas. To everyone – Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!! Pour ceux qui célébrerons la naissance de Jésus le 25 décembre – Joyeux Noël. Et à tous joyeuses fêtes et bonne et heureuse Année!!…

Kipling’s Ultraman

Rudyard Kipling said it all: ” If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two Impostors just the same; Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it.” KAILUA-KONA- Hawaii – Lieutenant Colonel Tony O’Keefe is in charge of 1,054 cadets at Canada’s version of West Point. It is his job to…

Insider’s View: Major Geneviève Lehoux

20633 Major Geneviève Lehoux (CMR RMC ’97) enrolled in the CF in June 1992 in Trois-Rivières (QC). She completed three years at CMR St-Jean and graduated from RMC in May 1997 with a bachelor degree in Civil Engineering. While at CMR and RMC, she was a member of the varsity women soccer team. She completed…

Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year – Interview

Sgt. Curtis White is the program staff of the Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year (ALOY) at CFB Kingston. He is also the National Military Chair of the Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group (DAAG). Before joining the staff of the ALOY program, he served as a Canadian Forces recruiter. Interview by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC ‘03) e-veritas: What…

Dîner Vimy 2008

Dîner Vimy 2008 Article par élof Nicolas Plourde-Fleury Vendredi le 14 novembre dernier, huit élofs du CMR St-Jean avons eu la chance d’assister au dîner Vimy qui a eu lieu au Musée canadien de la guerre à Ottawa. La réception eut lieu dans la Gallerie LeBreton, endroit où des véhicules blindés et canons de toutes…

Where are they now?

2444 RAdm (Ret`d) John A Charles (RMC ’35) CMM, CD, MID RCN Born in Rouleau Saskatchewan 27 Mar 1918, John Charles joined the R.C.N. directly from the Royal Military College on 1 September 1937. He was immediately sent to the Royal Navy for cadet, mid-shipmen and Sub-Lieutenant training. At the start of war of WWII,…

An Officer, A Gentleman, And Then A CISM TKD Competitor

23179 Captain John Kim Written by: 25057 Ocdt (II) Nalae Yang The weekend of November 15th and 16th was one of the biggest annual Tae Kwon Do (TKD) competitions in Toronto. When I arrived at the site to get registered as a competitor on early Saturday morning, a member from my team tapped on my…
