Twelve stained glass windows in Kingston City Hall Memorial

The 12 Twelve stained glass windows in Kingston City Hall Memorial Hall were dedicated in 1921 “In Honour of Kingston’s Sailors,Soldiers, Airmen and Nursing Sisters who served overseas in the Great War – 1914-1918.” Most of the windows were donated to the City of Kingston in memory of someone who died in the war. The…

We get emails

Comment Worth Repeating: Karen is my daughter. I always knew that Karen was a very special young lady and I was very proud of all her accomplishments, or at least, as it now seems, those few accomplishments of which I was aware. It has been a highly emotional week since the tragedy, and now looking…

In This Issue 38

  Class of 1962 Enter the Old Brigade With A Splash! – One of the high-lights during Reunion Weekend is the Legacy Dinner.  At the packed house this year the 230 “black tie & evening gowns” crowd in attendance repeatedly broke out in cheers and applause in the mids of the announcements.  The Class of…

Ex Cadets Mentioned in Dispatches

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, announced today the names of individuals mentioned in dispatches for specific achievements that have brought honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada. The Mention in Dispatches is a national honour created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces on active service…

What’s Happening At Royal Military College of Canada

On October 29, 2008 at 1900 in Currie Hall, Dr Jane Boulden will deliver the Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture, entitled: “The Challenge of International Terrorism.” The event is sponsored by the RMC Club of Canada Foundation. The Principal would like to invite all members of the RMC community to join Dr…

RRMC Grad, Royal Military College of Canada COS

13789 Commander Darren Rich is a 25 year veteran of the Canadian Forces. Over that time he has had his share of sea time and life ashore. The Canadian Forces Naval Engineer has five years under his belt at RMC. He has been the Deputy Director of Cadets; Special Assistant to the Commandant; and has…

Le CMR et la tradition équine

Le CMR et la tradition équine 15 octobre 2008 Par:  Élof Donovan Huppé (24168) L’équitation, quel noble et gracieux sport. Depuis des temps immémoriaux, l’utilisation des chevaux a structuré le développement des sociétés, et l’emploi de la cavalerie sur les champs de batailles a modifié l’évolution de la guerre jusqu’aux temps modernes. En ce qui concerne…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean

12603 Le Colonel Pion s’est enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en 1975. Il complète ses études universitaires au Collège militaire royal du Canada à Kingston en 1980, où il obtient un diplôme en génie mécanique. Il complète sa formation d’ingénieur aérospatial en 1981 et, la même année, il est muté à la Base des Forces…

Ex-Cadets in the News

H4860 General (Ret’d) John de Chastelain will receive an Honorary Doctor of Civil Law degree at the Saint Mary’s University annual fall convocation ceremony at 2pm on Sunday, Oct. 26 at the World Trade and Convention Centre, Port Royal Room. He is a retired Canadian soldier and diplomat who is an expert in international conflict…

Ex Cadet Shannon Travis Needs Your Help!

22545 Shannon Veurink (Travis) (RMC ’03) is currently completing her Masters in Social Work with a concentration in community, policy, planning and organizations. After completing her B.A. in Business Admin and minor in Psychology at RMC, Shannon attended the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand to attain a B.Sc. in Psychology. While living in…

Catching Up With the News

Grozelle family members express their gratitude Fifth Estate – “Shadows of Doubt” – Joe Grozelle Searching for the truth THE FIFTH ESTATE AIRS JOE GROZELLE’S STORY Posted By AARON HALL, THE DAILY NEWS, What really happened to Joe Grozelle? This question was examined by the CBC surrounding the disappearance and death of the Ridgetown area…

Where are they now?

13871 Commander Rick G. Gerbrecht is currently Regional Naval Centennial Co-Ord at Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) – Esquimalt. He grew up in Kelowna, British Columbia, and is a graduate of the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. After completing Maritime Surface training, he began his naval service in various Pacific fleet destroyers including HMCS YUKON,…
