Deaths | deces

Un général du Royal 22e Régiment décède à Québec H12882 Le lieutenant-général à la retraite Jacques Chouinard est décédé le 28 juillet dernier à Québec, à l’âge de 85 ans. QUEBEC, le 30 juill. /CNW Telbec/ – Le lieutenant-général à la retraite Jacques Chouinard est décédé le 28 juillet dernier à Québec, à l’âge de…

We get emails

Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club 4363 Emily Carr Drive Victoria BC V8X 5E3 250-727-3416 RRU Oral History DVD I wonder if you could disseminate this announcement to all club branches. Royal Roads University has produced the first result of the RRU Oral History Project in the form of a DVD of reminiscences by ex-cadets. The…

In This Issue 26

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Incoming Principal Has Big Plans; New DCdt on Friday; Beach VB Big Hit @ RMC; Veteran Coaches…

Top Headlines

Dr. Joel J. Sokolsky, the incoming principal has big plans. Dr. Joel J. Sokolsky, the incoming principal of Royal Military College of Canada, Canada`s only military university, has big plans. `I want to raise its profile within Canada by inviting personalities from the worlds of business, scientific research and the arts to spend time at…

What’s Happening At RMC

DÉlof – DCdts RMC 2006-2008 Je quitte le réseau aujourd’hui en fin de journée. Je suis transféré à Toronto afin de participer au programme de sécurité nationale PSN1 et de parfaire mon éducation en complétant une 2e Maîtrise, cette fois-ci en administration publique. Je voudrais vous remercier pour votre dévouement et votre appui continuel afin…

Ex-Cadets in the News

9968 Serge Labbé’s (CMR RMC ’74) redemption Source Une promotion discrète, mais controversée ______________________________________________________ Canadian pension scholar receives award from CFA Institute 6584 Keith Ambachtsheer (RRMC RMC ’65) honoured at Chicago conference Source ______________________________________________________ Military signals school reinventing itself 15514 David Gosselin (RMC ’86) Source ______________________________________________________ Change of command at 3CFFTS 17451 Paul Dittmann (…

Catching Up With the News

Correction from last week. When we launched e-Veritas, there was unanimous internal agreement that we would adhere to the highest standards of fairness and accuracy. From time to time we have fallen short. Last week we published a five year out of date article on 9413 Major-General (ret’d) Cameron Ross (RRMC RMC ’73). We regret…

Where are they now?

3221 Jon Jennekens (RMC ’54) graduated from RMC in Mechanical Engineering in 1954 and was granted the Van der Smissen-Ridout Award. After a year’s service with UN peacekeeping Forces in Korea, Jon graduated from Queen’s University. During the next 18 months he received six postings. In January 1958, Jon joined the Operations Division of the…

Extra Innings

8862 Denny J. Roberts from St. Catherines, ON entered RMC in 1967. Of course, this was Canada’s Centennial Year. It was also the peak of the “60s” – when many of his peers were experiencing perhaps, for the first time, the opportunity to do their own thing. The 1971 RMC Year Book likely says it…

Flashback | Rétrospective

Former Commandants. In this edition of e-Veritas we commence a series of interview type articles on former commandants of RMC; CMR; and RRMC. First Up: XXXIV RMC Commandant, 1991 – 93 8790 General (ret`d) Édouard Jean Boyle C.M.M., C.D.(RMC ’71) joined Canadian Forces (CF) as Officer Cadet in 1967. He earned a B.A. (Hons.) Economics…


(Click on banner for details) Since 2004, the Ranking Web is published two times (January & July) per year. This ranking has the largest coverage with more than 16,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide listed in the Directory. Web presence measures the activity and visibility of the institutions and it is a good indicator of impact…

Quotation | Citation

“Being a cadet is not an easy road, but it is worth every bit of the effort,” she said. “Our nation requires intelligent, well-rounded young men and women of character to lead our military. Every day there are cadets who demonstrate they are up to the challenges ahead, and you know that the future of…
