Quotation | Citation

“We in the Canadian Forces, throughout history in our country – we wear our uniforms, we serve our country specifically so we can have this kind of democracy that is envied by most of the rest of the world and, for most of the rest of the world, it’s a fantasy they would like to…

Extra Innings

In 1990, The Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the YearTM award program was founded. Its purpose is to identify and provide recognition for outstanding leadership and achievement by a Canadian Chief Executive Officer. The call for nominations for the 2008 award is now officially open. The nominee must currently be the CEO of the company based…

Flashback | Rétrospective

The consecration of new Colours (flags) for the Royal Military College of Canada was held on Saturday 29th September 2001. The current Colours were presented by the Hon. Peter Millikin, Speaker of the House of Commons, [Shown in the photo] on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. The original regulation in the Canadian Forces stated…


Goodbyes are never easy. They’re particularly hard when you have to bid your adieus to people you like and respect. Ms Kimberly St-Louis has been part of the Panet House Team for a little over a year. During this relatively short time, Kimberly has certainly made her mark and she will be sorely missed. Pictured,…

We get emails

Several Ex Cadets were participating as part of the Canadian Age Group Team at the World Triathlon Championships in Vancouver 5-8 Jun 08. None of our results were as impressive as Capt Fawcett’s inspiring performance, but we were there “tri-ing” for Canada. The attached photo is of 11061 Don Debienne (RRMC RMC ’76), 11075 Bob…

Thank you | merci

We would like to say a special thanks to a few people who contributed their time, energy, and expertises to make e-Veritas what it is today. The contributions of our “volunteers” greatly extend the range and impact of the services offered by us. We would particularly like to acknowledge the professional articles submitted by RMC…


Reunions Update: For up-to-date info on Reunions and the Legacy Dinner check the Reunion tab on the left (near the top).

In This Issue 20

(Click for more details) What thieves don’t want you to know about identity theft According to the RCMP, identity fraud and credit card fraud are costing Canadians an average of $1 million every day. But there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of being a victim of this crime. Here’s what the…

Top Headlines

PRIME MINISTER ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW Chief of the Defence Staff 12320 General Natynczyk (RRMC CMR ’79) was born in Manitoba and attended Royal Roads Military College and Collège Militaire Royal, graduating with a degree in Business … more… bio… . . New vice chief of defence staff named 11714 Rear Admiral Denis…

Quotation | Citation

“I want to be thought of by our people as an experienced commander who has been there, understood those risks, felt fear as all of us do, and ensure our people have the confidence and the equipment to be successful,” 12320 Lt. Gen. Walter Natynczyk (RRMC CMR ’79) – Incoming CDS more… “I was thrilled…

What’s Happening At RMC

(Click for larger image) Dr. Cowan’s Retirement Dinner Dr. Cowan’s well attended Retirement Dinner was held June 6, 2008 at the Senior Staff Mess. Distinguished past and current military and civilian staff along with family and friends from near and far enjoyed the opportunity to pay their collective respect. Dr. Cowan has been the RMC…

Deaths | deces

2674 JOHN WILBERT PERRY BRYAN (RMC ’39); RCNSE58 Commander (Ret) CHADWICK Ernest Maurice (Chad); 3365 Thomas Gilbert (Gil) PHELAN (Sr.) (RMC ’56); 17913 Chris Savin (RMC ’91);
