Bringing Him Home: the story of the repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland Soldier

Article shared from The Maple Leaf  By: Captain Jordan Mitchell, Task Force PAO Operation Distinction-Repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland Soldier On May 25, a delegation of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members flew to Normandy, France as part Operation DISTINCTION to bring home the remains of a Newfoundland Soldier who died in the First World War and was never identified.…

Golden Oldies

Paying Tribute to our Military and Academic Staff Members CMR 1965 RMC 1989 RMC 1993 RRMC 1995 RMC 1999 RMC  2015


Senator Joseph A. Day, CMR RMC 1968 Monday, May 27th, we mourn the passing of our beloved Joe, ‘JoJo’ to his four grandchildren. Joe was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He was known for his unconditional love for his family, his kind words for everyone, and his unwavering loyalty. Joe grew up in…

Member of the Board of Directors/ Membre du conseil d’administration

Position Description: The Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association Inc. is seeking up to three board directors to begin a three-year term starting in October 2024.  

We are especially interested in receiving applications from people who have a background in non-profit governance, non-profit organizations and their legal responsibilities and public-private partnerships.  The Association is committed to supporting the Canadian Military Colleges and the Canadian Armed Forces in achieving their objectives for professional conduct and culture change, including reflecting the diversity of Canada’s population.

RMC Convocation and Commissioning

With sunshine in their hearts and dreams in their minds, these new officers of the Canadian Armed Forces embark on their unique journeys.
From a picturesque Commissioning Parade to a cheerful embrace, we wish them all the greatest success ahead. Bravo Zulu!

Commissioning Ceremony RMC Saint-Jean/ Remise des brevets d’officiers CMR Saint-Jean

Félicitations aux aspirants de marine et élèves-officiers pour votre performance ce matin ! Soulignons au passage les officiers de la classe 2024 qui ont obtenu leur commission d’officier, ceux et celles qui ont reçu des prix, mais aussi ceux qui ont complété leur cheminement au CMR Saint-Jean. Vous aimeriez voir ou revoir la remise des…

Département d’histoire CMR Réalisations / History department RMC Achievements

The History Department is delighted to congratulate 2Lt Ethan Charters, pictured here with RMC history professors Dr. Kevin Brushett, Head of the History Department, and Dr. Jim Kenny, for winning the Doreen and John Windsor Award during yesterday’s convocation ceremony. Ethan’s honour’s undergraduate thesis, which was supervised by Dr. Kenny, is titled “Change Without Progress:…

Father and Son Connection at RMC

27 years ago Col Scott Gillingham walked through the Memorial Arch celebrating his four year journey at RMC.  On Thursday 16 May he had the pleasure of watching his son  2Lt Gillingham do exactly the same.  Col Gillingham was even able to present his son his commissioning scroll. Thank you to Col Gillingham for sharing…

As You Set Forth Message to the Graduating Class of 2024 from Your Alumni Association

On behalf of the Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association, it is with great pride and excitement that I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and your fellow graduates of the Class of 2024. As the Chairman of the Alumni Association, I am privileged to witness the remarkable achievements and dedication demonstrated by the…

To the Graduating Class of 2024 From the Graduating Class of Royal Roads 1952 / RMC 1954

We salute you on having reached this milestone moment along your journey  from being Officer Cadets to becoming Ex-cadets and future leaders in a world that is sorely in need of your help. A bit about us: We were born and grew up during The Great Depression. Many of us had family members who served…

Message of Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2024 From the Class of 1970

You already know you can count upon classmates for guidance, and to have your back. You will soon learn that the men and women who graduated a year before you, or a year after, or fifty years before or after, will be there as well.

To our friends graduating in 2024 From the Class of 1971-1976

To our friends graduating in 2024, Yep, you are really part of a very special group, and you can be proud of the past four or five years spent honing all those skills. They will help you make a difference serving your country. Congratulations in braving all those moments (some good, some bad) and succeeding…
