Flashback | Rétrospective

Things go bump in the night in Hatley Castle A team from the B.C. Society of Paranormal Investigation and Research into the Supernatural (B.C. SPIRITS) came to Royal Roads University in 2006 to investigate widely told stories of paranormal activity in and around Hatley Castle, once the home of James Dunsmuir and Royal Roads Military…


We are pleased to announce that the 24th annual Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI) Seminar and the 71st annual general meeting of the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) will be held 21-22 February 2008 at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier in Ottawa , Canada. This year’s theme is “ Canada ’s National Security Interests in…

We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels

  Photo 1: Shown left to right are 14532 Don Cameron, 14516 Hussain Ali-Khan and 14624 Peter Schmidt Photo 2:14492 Rob Russell ( left in the second picture ) provided invaluable moral support. Thanks for e-veritas ! What a great way to stay current on the College and on Ex-Cadet news. I always read it…

Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires

Courir pour sauver des vies / Running to Save Lives 17242 Patrick Pressoir (CMR ’90) http://www.active.com/donate/tntmon/Pressoir Thanks to Victoria Edwards, Kimberly St Louis and Kayne Carr for helping us out with this edition of e-Veritas – our 28th for 2007. We may or may not have one more Issue before the end of the year.…

TARGET IN SIGHT!Leonard Birchall Pavilion: Target $900,000 We have now received $810,000 in donations and pledges and require $90,000 to reach our target by year end 2007. Support to the project has been overwhelming! We ask that if you have not done so to please make a gift to the Birchall Pavilion before December 31st.…

In This Issue 27 – Dans ce numéro

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Death Notice: 3616 JUSTICE, Clinton Alymer (RMC ’56); David Last & Jean Gagnon Set to Retire; Calendrier…

Quotation | Citation

“What an inspired choice for this new position! He is a hard-nosed fighter and he understands veterans. What better combination for ensuring that veterans are not “screwed by the system” could we ask for? DVA bureaucrats pay attention!” 6137 Wyn Van Der Schee (CMR RMC ’64) recently commenting on the Pat Stogran Ombudsman appointment

Trivia | Bagatelle

25 Major-General Sir William Throsby Bridges, KCB, CMG (18 February 1861 – 18 May 1915)Born in Greenock, Scotland, he was educated at Ryde on the Isle of Wight, at the Royal Naval School at New Cross, London and at Trinity College, Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. He entered the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston,…

Deaths | deces

3616 JUSTICE, Clinton Alymer (RMC ’56) passed away peacefully, surrounded by family at the Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario November 8, 2007. Funeral service was held at St. Judes church, Oakville, Ontario, November 12th.

Retirements | reunions

13240 LCol David M. Last (RRMC RMC ’81) will be retiring from the Canadian Forces after more than 30 years of distinguished service. While he will continue teaching as a Professor at the College, his “final day-in-uniform” will be 19 December.Friends are invited to attend a fare-well function at the Senior Staff Mess (SSM) at…

Notices | Avis

Calendrier des activités pour décembre: CMR de Saint-Jean et Chapitre de MontréalQUOI: Concert de Noël de la Musique du CMR Kingston. Ce concert vise à amasser des fonds pour la Fondation de l’hôpital du Haut Richelieu OÙ: Campus du CMR Saint-Jean, amphithéâtre Vanier. QUAND: Samedi le 1ier décembre 2007. 19h00 pour 19h30. Coût : $5…
