In This Issue 13

PHOTO OF THE WEEK   “The much publicized engine room fire that damaged HMCS Protecteur has inspired me to share a painting of the ship, in her heyday, steaming out of Halifax harbour en route to the Gulf War in 1990. The crews’ families are waving good-bye from the jetty. This painting, part of the…

Class Notes

“Nothing more precious that helping those little children to learn and to have fun…” Edited by 25366 Mike Shewfelt 8488 Michael Chreptyk, born 29 January 1948, credits his years on the family farm in Pleasant Home, Manitoba, with instilling in him the values of integrity, honesty and hard work that he learned from his parents…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Diner-conférence avec le commandant du CMR de Saint-Jean; le 4 avril 2014  Nous vous rappelons qu’un diner-conférence organisé par le Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean, en collaboration avec la 2e Division canadienne, aura lieu au Manège militaire Côte-des-Neiges de Montréal (Mont-Royal) le vendredi 4 avril 2014, de 11h30 à 13h30. Il s’agit d’une première édition, pour laquelle…

Who Is He? Who are they?

  Who Am I? 1. Born in Red Deer Alta. 2.  Studied Civil Engr at RMC. 3. Following RMC days, RCE; Postings: Canada & Europe. 4. MBA Western, 5. MA Economics, Western, 6. Instructor, MBA Program, Business School, Western, 7. PhD Economics , Princeton , 8. Faculty, Economics Dept. and Business School, Western,    (Associate Professor,…

The Week That Was & More @ RMCC…

Journée d’entraînement militaire au CMRC 25936 Élof (IV) Sarah Labrecque, Esc 4 Le dimanche de la fin de semaine des métiers, le 23 mars, l’escadre des élofs a participé à une journée d’entraînement militaire. La classe de 2014 était responsable de la planification et l’exécution des activités militaires pour les 1e, 2e  et 3e années.…

First of a Kind Exchange Between Sweden and Canada

Five Exchange Students from Sweden to Join Paladins Hockey Team By: WJO Sweden and Canada have agreed to an exchange program that will see each country send five students per year from their respective military colleges’ degree granting programs. The commitment has been signed for four years. Selected students (cadets) will spend two semesters at…

Training for the “M”

Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training – 26 March 2014 1st Year Class: This week for PMT, the First year class went on another rucksack march around the peninsula. This rucksack march was the third so far for the First years. Participating in these marches provide the first years with the opportunity to practice the skills…

Recent Projects Funded by the RMC Foundation / Récents projets financés par la Fondation des CMR

“Character Overcoming Conflict” – an article by 26240 OCdt Riley Perrior Think globally, act locally was the main idea conveyed by some of the most influential people chosen to speak at this year’s 21st National Character & Leadership Conference held at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). Three OCdts from the Military Psychology and…

RMCC Expedition Club

  Braving the winter weather, four Cadets along with W.O. Corneau from RMC took part in an Expedition Club camping weekend on 14-15 March. Snowshoeing the Dog Pond Loop trail in the Cranberry Lakes region of the Adirondack Park, the group explored an area the club had never visited before. Breaking trail through fresh snow,…

Some cadets have become addicted to the sport of skydiving

As promised in a previous article, I present you a video showcasing those skydivers who are training for their CSPA (Canada Sports Parachuting Association) A, B and C Licenses.  A video highlighting the Solo license program (those who have no previous experience) will be created for your viewing pleasure after the exam period. Now that…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Semaine multiculturelle au CMR Saint-Jean – un article de l’Élève-officier David Le Breton Organisée par le département des langues, la semaine culturelle du CMR Saint-Jean s’est déroulée du 17 au 21 mars. Cette semaine enrichissante sur le plan culturel et historique a permis aux élèves-officiers du Collège de participer à de nombreuses activités inusitées telles…

“At 0030 this morning Danny Loomis pulled an inspection here in the Frigate. It seems the boys over in 4 Sqn got together and cooked up the gag.”

1 April 52 At 0030 this morning Danny Loomis pulled an inspection here in the Frigate. It seems the boys over in 4 Sqn got together and cooked up the gag. They planned it quite well and told Danny a “planted” wallet with green dye on it had just been stolen and that the thief…
