Direct from Panet House

Direct from Panet House By: 13987 Bryan Bailey, Club Executive Director Happy New Year, Bonne année! The entire Panet House team sincerely hopes that everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday and we wish everyone the best for 2016.  Au nom de l’équipe du Club des Collèges militaires royaux du Canada,  j’offre mes meilleurs vœux de santé,…

Language Centre and History Department team up for a conference on the Archeology of the Great War / Le Centre des langues et le département d’histoire font équipe pour une conférence sur l’archéologie de la Grande Guerre

 “Remains with leather boots repel people.” – Language Centre and History Department team up for a conference on the Archeology of the Great War. Mr. Gilles Prilaux (National Institute of Archaeological Research, France) will visit RMCC on 21-22 January to host two conferences on his research on the Archeology of the Great War.  His team…

RMC’s 2016 Artist-in-Residence: Award-Winning Writer of War Fiction, Helen Humphreys

RMC’s 2016 Artist-in-Residence: Award-Winning Writer of War Fiction, Helen Humphreys RMC’s 2016 Artist-in-Residence is Kingston writer Helen Humphreys, one of Canada’s most celebrated authors.  Helen is the recipient of numerous awards for her novels and poetry and has an international readership.  Her most recent novel, The Evening Chorus, published in February, 2015, was nominated for…

Haycock Lecture…

*** Over the years the program has produced more than 650 MAs and more than 25 PhDs. War Studies graduates have gone on to hold faculty positions, particularly at RMC and CFC, but also at other Canadian universities such as Ottawa and Manitoba, as well as at National Defense University in DC. Probably more impressive…

1949: Young RMC Hockey Team Downed 5-4 by West Point

  Caption: Two RMC cadets believed to be (L) 2853 RP Bourne a forward and 2889 WM MacIntosh, who was the Cadet Team Manager both view the scoreboard prior to their departure to West Point, NY during March 1949. xxx Caption: Photo (L) RMC team; (C) Opening faceoff won by Bud White over an unidentified…

1949 – 1981: 42 years of RMC / West Point Hockey – Pretty Well One-Sided

1949 – 1981: 42 years of RMC / West Point Hockey – Pretty Well One-Sided (Part 2) By: WJO Following the ‘49 game at West Point, NY, the series returned the next year to Kingston for the first time since 1939. It would take until the 1952 game for RMC to fill a roster including…

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: “Hazing”

  The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: “Hazing” Part 4 The second aspect of recruiting was the disciplining of first year cadets by a system of unofficial punishments administered by the senior class, generally described by the term “hazing”. The officially allowable awards of defaulter’s drills were considered too mild a form…
