WHO AM I? He has over 40 years of International experience in Engineering, Business Development, Project Management, and complex system design and delivery. Joined the RCAF as a Radio Technician 221. He is a graduate of CMR under the UTPNCM program (University Training Plan for Non Commission Members) where he obtained a BSc in Physics…

Notices & Old Brigade “Rooks” Taking on Fort Henry

  REUNION WEEKENDS’ POSTERS – RMCSJ & RMCC ROYAL ROADS REUNION 2011 Birchall Leadership & Yellow Ribbon Dinner 2011 ________________________________ Running for Mic in the Army Run For the third year in a row, friends and family of the late Major Michelle Mendes will be running the Army Run (18 Sept 2011) in her honour.…

Deaths | Décès

2646 NEWTON, LT. COL. RONALD EARDLEY – C.D. BSC (Military), retired, RMC 2646. Served in England, Sicily, Italy and Palestine 1939-1945. Squadron Commander LdSH (RC) 1951. Resident Staff Officer University of New Brunswick 1952. Chief Instructor, Second in Command JABC school, CFB Borden 1961. Served as a Peacekeeper in the Middle East (UNTSO) 1964. SHAPE…

Photos From the Past

In this Issue 32

Please support our Realtor partners. AB–BC–MB–NB–NL–NS–ON–PEI–QC–SK       In this Issue 32: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. Ex-Cadets in the News…

Ex-Cadets in the News

A change-of-command ceremony for the commander of Canadian Forces Base Gagetown took place at the base Friday. At the table, from left, are: outgoing commander Col. Michael Pearson, Maj.-Gen. Stephen Bowes and incoming commander Col. Paul Rutherford. In back, from left, are Chief Warrant Officer Stephen Bartlett and Chief Warrant Officer Christian Charlebois, area chief…

Catching Up With the News

CANFORGEN 145/11 CMP 076/11 051203Z AUG 11 – HONOURS AND AWARDS We just recently became aware of a number of CDS commendations.  We noticed a few Ex Cadets and former students from RMC on the list. We regret if we missed anyone. THE CDS HAS APPROVED CF AWARDS FOR THE FOLLOWING DESERVING INDIVIDUALS – CHIEF…

Where are they now?

22309 Dr. Jan Adamowski (RMC 2002) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioresource Engineering in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at McGill University. He is the Director of the Integrated Water Resources Management Program and the Associate Director of the Brace Centre for Water Resources Management. He came to McGill University…

Births | naissances – 3rd Generation Cadet Headed to RMC Around 2029?

      22403 Capt Erin White (nee Johnson, RMC ’02) and Capt Michael White are proud to announce the birth of their son, Liam Raymond Patrick, on July 27 2011. First grandchild for 8825 Tom (RMC ’71) and Liz Johnson; fifth grandchild for Ken and Pauline White. Nephew for 21476 Maj Matthew Johnson (RMC…

La Chasse-Galerie: Support the Danny McLeod Endowment Fund

      7067 Walter Staples (Class of ’66) is offering a signed copy of his book “May the Healing Begin” to anyone who pledges or donates at least $100 to RMC sports via the Chasse-Galerie canoe trip. Please donate online or phone the RMC Foundation at 1-888-386-3762 to make a tax-deductible donation. Books can…


WHO IS HE? Is a native of Montréal, Québec; Played seven different varsity sports, and was debating society President at CMR; Had a thirty-six year career in the Canadian Forces; Employed at the 1976 Olympics while serving with the CF; Was widely recognized as one of the top Badminton players in the Canadian Forces in…

What’s Happening At RMC

  Commnder CDA Pays First Official Visit to RMCC MGen Pierre Forgues, Commander of the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA), signs the certificate commemorating his first official visit to the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) on August 16, 2011. Pictured from left: MWO Andy Skinner, RMCC Training Wing Sergeant Major; Cdr Mike Mooz, RMCC Chief…
