The Week That Was…

xxxx The United Way Campaign at RMC wrapped up with the Touch Down Breakfast in the Cadet Dining Hall on November 30th. 3 photos by Cynthia Kent RMCC – PAO Captions: United Way (left) Pictured serving up some good eats are from left, CWO Tony Slack, College Chief Warrant Officer; OCdt Jeremy Whalen, Cadet Wing…

Excellent teachers are also effective leaders

Excellent teachers are also effective leaders Photo by: Dan Fleming By: A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) Nowhere are excellent teachers more important than at the Royal Military College, as cadets need effective leaders to guide and mentor them on their way to becoming great leaders themselves. The importance of great teachers is reinforced by…

Naval Centennial Event Includes St. Barbara’s Day, Gun Salute & Cadets Well Fed Going Into the Exams!

RMC Closes Out Naval Centennial in Style x Photos by: Cynthia Kent RMC Navy Officers Do it with Class! By: WJO The final RMC event of the year celebrating the Naval Centennial was held at the RMC  Senior Staff Mess (SSM) on Friday 03 December. A large cross section of army, air force, navy personnel…

The Anatomy of a Varsity Athlete

The Anatomy of a Varsity Athlete By: 25249 Rebecca Fielding The decision to become a varsity athlete is a complicated and tough choice to make. At RMC, some athletes are recruited and aided through the application process by their future coaches while others push through the system themselves and choose to try out for a…

From Mackenzie Building to Panet House

From Mackenzie Building to Panet House Following is a copy of the e-mail sent out by Rod McDonald on his last day in the Canadian Forces (30 November) and one day prior to taking up his new position as the executive Vice-President, RMC Club of Canada Foundation. Photo by: Dan Fleming Caption: Rod McDonald pictured…

Catching Up With the News

CONGRATULATIONS to OCdt Victoria Benotto (25316) -Winner of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge logo contest. As part of the kick-off and promotional activities for the inauguration of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge, a contest was recently held to solicit designs for a CSDC logo. The contest was open to students from the participating universites, with…

Ex-Cadets in the news

CF-18s get perfect “hit” score on exercise “The complexity of engaging a moving target with a laser-guided bomb cannot be overstated,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Kenny, the squadron’s commanding officer. “There are a number of variables that need to be solved by the pilots both before and after the bomb has been released to ensure proper…

Where are they now?

16598 Mr. Scott Stevenson (RRMC 1988) discussed the sustainable development of military infrastructure stemming from the Canada First Defence Strategy on 11/25/2010 at the Centre for Environment Seminar, University of Toronto School of Public Policy and Governance. Stevenson is the Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment), Department of National Defence. He holds a Bachelor of…

Opinion: Disclosure of Information

Preamble: This article is a ‘position paper,’ a 1st year English literature assignment which helps students towards the writing of essays. Incidentally, it is just the right length for publishing, and I award bonus marks for doing so. We had been discussing propaganda — attempting to come to some definition which is more complex than…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Le poète canadien Raymond Souster s’entretient avec des élèves-officiers au CMR Saint-Jean Bas de vignette : Le 24 novembre dernier, le poète canadien Raymond Souster était l’invité d’une conférence organisée par le professeur Luke Dilworth dans le cadre de son cours de littérature anglaise au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean. Le poète canadien Raymond Souster…

Careers | Carrières

x x Developer / Programmer PHP – (Guru) Développeur / Programmeur – Gourou PHP – Montreal – Gamma Entertainment (min. exp. 2 years) Mechanical Engineer – Ingénieur mécanique – Marieville – Sivaco (min. exp. 5 years) Control & Automation Specialist – Spécialiste automatisation et contrôle – Montreal – John Meunier inc. (min. exp. 3 years)…

Victoria Edwards In Conversation With: 8162 Ken Moulden CWC 1968-69

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2005) interviewed 8162 Kenneth R. Moulden (RRMC RMC 1969), who was the RMC Cadet Wing Commander (CWC) in 1968-9. E-veritas: What are your memories of being CWC? 8162 Kenneth Moulden: I first heard of the appointment from H25917 Major Danny MacLeod, my hockey coach. My initial feelings were largely emotional and…
