E3161 Victoria Edwards interviewed 14444  Dorothy Hector (RMC 1984) about the painting she commissioned titled “Memories of RMC” for the Class of 84. Victoria also caught up with Joanne Gervais, a visual artist specializing in portraiture, sports, landscapes & cityscapes in and around Kingston. e-veritas: How did the `Memories of RMC` commission come about? Dorothy…

Victoria Edwards: Researching the memorial stained glass windows at the Royal Military College

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) has been researching the memorial stained glass windows at the Royal Military College. A stained glass window in the Saint Raphael’s Catholic chapel on the third floor of Yeo Hall at the Royal Military College of Canada was donated by Mrs. Oliver Tiffany Macklem in memory of her husband no.…

Deaths | Décès

2849 Vice-Admiral (Ret`d) Daniel Nicholas Mainguy entered Royal Roads – Canadian Services College, on 1 September 1948 and graduated in 1950, passed away in Ottawa, on Tuesday, 17 August 2010. He is survived by his wife, Susan Mainguy, and his three children, Sarah, Barbara and Nicholas. The memorial service will be held at St. Bartholomew’s…

You May Know These 23…But Do You Really Know Them?

  – is an internationally experienced marine professional and consultant specialising in business development, operations, security and management consultancy. Previously, he has been head of a maritime consultancy group for a leading Classification Society; Maritime Security Director for a leading international business risk consultancy; the Export Promoter for the UK Government for the ports and…

In This Issue 34

Cadets marching off to the start of First Year Orientation Period Apology The Club’s Executive Director Peter Dawe sincerely regrets an error in the masthead of the Summer 10 issue of Veritas where 1st Vice-President Cameron Diggon’s name was removed and replaced by the then designate André Richard. To further complicate the issue, André had…

Wall of Honour Finds Great Characters for 2010 Induction

Wall of Honour Finds Great Characters for 2010 Induction Reunion Weekend 2010 will see plaques with names of three new honourees added to the Wall, including 2399 RAdm Bill Landymore, 1032 LGen ELM “Tommy” Burns, and 4860 Gen John de Chastelain. Their plaques with brief inscriptions of their accomplishments will be unveiled on Saturday, October…

Sqn Comd can relate to his new recruits

Sqn Comd can relate to his new recruits A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) The 249 new Canadian Forces Recruits have been at RMC for the past week, and in the immortal words of Dorothy, “[they’re] not in Kansas anymore.” Captain Nathan Price, 1 Squadron Commander, is in charge of the incoming cadets during the…

Next Up – First Year Orientation Period (FYOP)

Recruit Camp Comes to a Close Last saturday (28 Aug) saw the wrap up of Recruit Camp aka “Boot Camp”. Close to 250 newly minted Ocdts received the CF hat badge.  The group and an impressive group they are covered basic military skills over the past two weeks. All the staff involved are to be…

Construction currently at a peak. All will be fine Reunion Weekend!

Major construction has been the order of the day pretty well all summer around the college. x (Click on photos for better viewing) A high profile job is going on near Panet House and the Senior Staff Mess. The other is at Valour Drive and Hewett Avenue the route to the Memorial Arch. College authorities…

The Foundation is seeking an Executive Vice-President & Other Career opportunities

EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT The Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada foundation Inc. The Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada Foundation Inc. is a registered charity whose mission is to secure and deliver the funds necessary to provide the “Margin of Excellence” in the attraction, education and training of the students of the Canadian Military Colleges –…

2010 – 11 Looks Promising for (W) Volleyball –

RMC women’s volleyball team introduces 2010-11 freshman class – bright future ahead for the team! The Paladin volleyball program welcomes six top prospects to join the team in 2010, head coach Carolyn Welden recently announced. The volleyball credentials for this group is impressive indeed. In no particular order:  6-3 middle blocker and setter Chelsey Litjens…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

MESSAGE IMPORTANT Pour des raisons hors de notre contrôle, certaines inscriptions aux activités du week-end de réunion au CMR Saint-Jean ont peut-être été perdues. Veuillez vérifier la liste suivante afin de vous assurer que nous avons bien reçu votre inscription. Vous pouvez toujours vous inscrire via le site du Club des CMR, au lien suivant…
