Who am I?

Who is he? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) He was born in 1918. Brought up in Ottawa, he attended Lisgar Collegiate. He entered Royal Military College in September 1936. His class would have graduated in June 1940, but by 1938, the Canadian Forces, particularly the Navy, were certain that war was coming soon.…

You May Know These 24…But Do You Really Know Them?

Match up the photo with the clue: former CWC who went on to become the LXXV president of the RMC Club of Canada. RRMC , RMC; Guest on Capitol Hill, Washington DC, to discuss the U.S. Index of Health Ownership in 2007. CISM sport Team  Manager;  in the process of writing a book on Trail…


________________________________________________________ xx BREAKING NEWS… Director of Cadets, LCol Tony O’Keeffe will be leaving his position this summer but his next posting is not yet confirmed. 14510 LCol Sue Wigg (RMC 1984), one of the First 32 female officer cadets to arrive at Royal Military College of Canada in 1980 is the designated DCdt for the…

5730 Reasons Why They Biked! & Cadets on the Road Again

II Annual RMC 24hr Bike-a-Thon: The Road to Nowhere Leads To… By: 25117 Leah D’Ettore What could move hundreds of Officer Cadets and Staff to take time out of their weekend to ride a bike to nowhere? The answer is quite simply the “Soldier-On” program. The call to raise money and awareness for CF members…

Commandant – Still Doing Rounds & Hosting Visitors

The Commandant and Principal enjoyed a great visit with Dr. Steve Lukits and the faculty of the English Department last week. Once again, this visit provided an excellent opportunity to meet with those who educate RMC cadets in the classroom. Commodore Truelove was heard later in the day when talking about the morning visit. “We…

Battlefield Tours: The Major is Going. Cadets Just Came Back!

The Major and Wife Sheila Embarking on WW11 Battlefield Tour H25917  Danny McLeod aka “The Major” and wife Sheila will be departing Canada 25 April and due to return 10 May. This will be the 14th and likely, the last formal Battlefield Tour of North West Europe, organized by Danny McLeod, celebrating the 65th Anniversary…

Long Service Recognition Awards

xxxxxx Last Tuesday the Commandant, Commodore Bill Truelove gathered with a number of long-service RMCC employees. The occasion was recognizing and presenting Long Service awards to a number of RMC civilian team members. During a wonderful ceremony in Currie Hall, the Commandant publically thanked these individuals for their incredible contributions and commitment to DND and…

Young Memorial Lecture: Dr Tyseer Aboulnasr from U.B.C.

J.D. Young Memorial Lecture – Big Success By: WJO The College once again honoured the memory of Maj Doug Young through the Young Memorial Lecture. This year, Dr. Tyseerr Aboulnasr, from UBC, presented an excellent lecture entitled “Leadership, the Canadian Way”.  This terrific presentation was in front of facility, staff  & cadets to a full…

Ex Cadets Ring the Bell @ TSE…And Much More

Thursday, March 4, 2010 – Biox Corporation (Two Ex Cadets) Opens the Market 14971 Tim Haig (RMC 1985) , President and CEO and 16890 Kevin Norton (RMC 1990), Co-Founder, BIOX Corporation joined Ungad Chadda, Senior Vice President, Toronto Stock Exchange, TMX Group to open the market. BIOX Corporation is a renewable energy company, which operates…

Where are they now?

Success of an Engineer A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, this Toronto-raised Engineer is not your average ex-cadet. 10143 Mr. Mike McCartney (RMC 1974), BA Sc., P. Eng., BDS, emigrated to Canada in 1953, and joined the Royal Military College in 1970. He stayed for one year, before graduating with…

RRMC Memories

mjmmm MORE RRMC MEMORIES Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards The bar at Royal Roads features a selection of badges which provide an emblem for ships, air squadrons, reserve divisions and shore establishments. All Canadian Navy badges are surmounted by either the naval crown, which distinguishes HMC ships from other badges. Badges, which first came into…

Catching Up With the News

17948 Captain Matthew Barlee (RRMC 1991) has been instrumental in creating opportunities for Canadian Forces personnel to be involved in the Olympics in a ceremonial role as the Canadian Forces liaison officer to the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) for the 2010 Olympic andParalympic Winter Games. An elite athlete himself, he qualified for the 2008 Canadian…
