Cadets Set Standards for Walking Out Dress

A new age of business casual walk-out dress for cadets By: Catie Keyser Gone are the days of flip flops, ragged jeans, and youth-inspired graphic t-shirts. The time has come for the cadets of the Royal Military College to wear a ‘business casual’ uniform both on and off the peninsula in hopes of earning the…

Varsity Review Starts This Week

RMC Varsity Review To put e-Veritas readers at ease, please know that RMC’s Varsity Programme per-se, is not in question; rather, the college is merely conducting the 5 year review as mandated in the Scott Review. We contacted, Director of Cadets, LCol Tony O’Keeffe and asked him what was the aim of this review? “The…

Ex-Cadets in the News

A COMPARISON BETWEEN CANADA’S JOINT SUPPORT SHIP AND THE NEW DUTCH JSS SOON TO BE BUILT “We’re pretty much ready to be talking to the [defense] minister about what we need to do to advance the JSS so we’re ready to go,” Vice Admiral Dean McFadden told Defence Watch in the summer. 11919 Dean McFadden…

Where are They Now?

We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the new millennium and plan to feature them in the coming months to give readers a chance to catch up with names and faces from each of the respective CMCs. If you would like to contribute to this column, please feel free to email me…

Former RMC staff: Errol Wallingford

Former RMC staff: Errol Wallingford Years at RMC: 3 Sept 61 – 3 Sept 86 Positions: Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Ottawa native, Errol Wallingford graduated in 1946 (Grade 13) from Glebe Collegiate High School. He received his BSc from Carleton College (formerly the old Ottawa Ladies College) in 1953. Following a 35 year teaching…

RMCSJ BoG Profiles

This is the second in a series of five in which we are including profiles of members of the Royal Military College Saint-Jean Board of Governors. RMCSJ Reference Colonel (ret.) Michel Drapeau, OMM, CD, LL.L., LL.B. est un membre du Conseil des Gouverneurs du Collège militaire royal Saint-Jean. Le Colonel (Retraité) Me Michel William Drapeau…

RMCC BoG Profiles

This is the second in a series of five in which we are including profiles of members of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) Board of Governors. RMCC Reference Dr. Lloyd James Dempsey, PhD is a member of the Board of Governors at the Royal Military College of Canada. Dr. James Dempsey attended the…

You May Know These 24…But Do You Really Know Them?

Played youth rugby in Victoria, B.C. Attended a significant reunion at Royal Roads in May 2009; Scored first goal in the 2008 Red & White soccer match;. Accumulated 1,602 points during CIS basketball career; Former Executive Secretary – RMC Board of Governors; Worked at the executive level, 1976 Olympics in the sport of fencing; Ended…

Access to Information Requests

e-V readers may find the following list of Mil Col Access to Information and Privacy requests of interest. * The Access to Information Request Form * The Personal Information Request Form Royal Military College – Access to Information requests The following is a summary of Access to Information requests pertaining to Royal Military College of…


DID YOU KNOW? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) During the opening ceremonies of Expo 67 in Montreal, twelve cadets from the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean carried in a torch that was lit in a ceremony 2 years prior. The cadets metaphorically represented each province and territory in Canada at that time. The…

Canada’s RMC – A Brief History in Postcards

Canada’s RMC – A Brief History in Postcards By: 11415 Michael Smith (RMC 1977) The Royal Military College of Canada, commonly referred to as RMC, was established by an Act of Parliament in 1874, which stated that an institution should be set up “for the purpose of imparting a complete education in all branches of…

Careers | Carrières

[English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Here is a list of job opportunities provided by our partners from RHR with the working area and the experience required. Voici une liste des possibilités d’emploi fournis par nos partenaires de RHR avec la zone de travail et l’expérience requises. 1- Lead Roadway Transportation Engineer / Ingénieur…
