Archie Zagrodney’s Treasure Trove

by 8057 Ross Mackenzie (RMC 1970), the RMC Museum Curator Recently a rather excited 4823 Archie Zagrodney (RMC 1960) (pictured left) arrived at the RMC Museum to drop off a large wooden crate containing a horde of RMC and First World War souvenirs. The crate had surfaced during renovations of an old, Golden Horseshoe area,…

Who Am I?

Who am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) I was born in Halifax on 28 Feb 1863. I graduated from RMC in 1885. I accepted a commission with the Royal Engineers. I worked as a civil engineer in New Zealand from 1882-85. I was appointed by Henry Morton Stanley, an American journalist and…

What ever happened to Joe Bloggins?

What ever happened to Joe Bloggins? Last time I saw him, he was in Gagetown, but I think he’s a llama rancher now. by 13710 Bruce L Beavis (CMR 1982) With a membership spread across the country and the world, business networking or just keeping up with your classmates has always been a tough job…

Ex cadets / Staff / Parents & Friends – Join Us! / Soldier Roars Back

A large number of our regular readers are members, however, for those of you who have not taken the “plunge” – please consider that we need your support if we are to continue to provide top-notch service. We will continue the “blitz” over the next few weeks. Be kind to us and our volunteers when…

We get emails / RMC Tennis in 1914

The Coin Challenge At the start of the Legacy Dinner this year 3550 Murray Johnston employed an age-old Services tradition that is intended to encourage camaraderie among friends relaxing in the mess. He “coined” the six cadets at his table. The challenge was successfully met by the three cadets who had their coins with them…


Reunion Weekend 2009:  Rain on Friday & Sunday Fails to Dampen Enthusiasm Ask any weatherman on Wednesday & Thursday last week what the weather predictions were for Kingston for the entire weekend (Reunion Weekend) and you likely heard six words: rain, heavy rain, and more heavy rain. The weather warnings were so bad that as…

Class of 2013 Receive Their Cap Badges

Excerpts from Commandant’s speech at the Badging Parade “Ex Cadet Weekend represents an opportunity for the past, the present and the future to come together and celebrate everything that is special about the Royal Military College of Canada.” “Let me also recognize the families and friends visiting RMC today, many for the first time, for…

Legacy Dinner 2009 – A Winner In All Respects!

XII Annual Legacy Dinner – A smashing success By: WJO, photos by 25275 Julia Anderson Over 300 people attended the Legacy Dinner last Thursday night. This included Ex cadets, family & friends, and 100 cadets, all of whom were sponsored mostly by Ex cadets, family and corporate sponsors. The cadets represented RMCC, RMCSJ, West Point,…

Obstacle Course 2009

For Video Media Coverage of the Obstacle Course 2009 Click Here! Above: OCdt Daniel Wilkinson – 5 SQN accepts award on behalf of Papa flight from the Chief of Defense Staff General Walter Natynczyk Congratulations go out to Papa Flight (5 SQN) for winning this year’s Reunion Weekend Obstacle Course. They had all 16 cadets…

Arch Parade 2009

Sunday – Arch Parade By: WJO  Photos by 25275 Julia Anderson Weather wise this may have been the wettest Sunday morning Reunion weekend parade in over 20 years.  Constant wet weather often brings out a snarky side of people – even more likely, if, you combine it with the two words – on parade. Most…

Birchall Pavilion – A Reality!

“This is a very proud and happy day for the RMC Foundation, for the College and, I am sure, for Mrs. Birchall and the members of the Birchall family. Today we are marking the completion of a five year journey. The construction of the Birchall Pavilion and the funding support provided represents a significant milestone…

Wall of Honour – Most Significant Addition to RMC in 85 Years.

Pictured are a large number from the RMC Class of 1963 who ensured The Wall of Honour became a reality at RMC, Centerede in the photo is RMC commandant, Commodore Bill Truelove.  (Click three time on photo for much better viewing) “The Arch commemorates those who gave their lives FOR their country.  The Wall, on…
