Garry “Sky” King Memorial Golf Tournament/ ’85 Otter now a father-in-law

The First Garry “Sky” King Memorial Golf Tournament 5820 “Sky” King (RMC 1963) passed away 11 Aug this year.  One of the many things he was looking forward to was joining the Old Brigade this year with his 1963 classmates. In the Spring even when he realized that his days were numbered, he came up…

Where Are They Now?

We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the new millennium and plan to feature them in the coming months to give readers a chance to catch up with names and faces from each of the respective CMCs. If you would like to contribute to this column, please feel free to email me…

Ex Cadets, Professors, and Staff in the News

Wall of honour – 5877 Ted Davie (RRMC RMC 1963) “We wanted to have something simple that would motivate the cadets into doing something more than just the 30-years-in-the service, do-your-job.“ ________________________________________________________________________ Top soldier lambastes local Afghans MacKay backs general who lashed out at tribal leaders -16596 Jonathan Vance (RRMC 1986) “I think it’s critical,…

Who Am I?

Who am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) I was born in 1860. According to the Dominition Annual Register and Review, I was admitted as a Cadet at the Royal Military College in Kingston in 1876. I am considered responsible for instigating “Penny Sabbath” (Copper Sunday) as an event between 1878 and 1882…

Peacekeeping with Muscle/REUNION WEEKEND – RMCSJ

An Interview with LGen Maisonneuve by Scott Nantes, a current RMCSJ cadet who wrote it as part of an English assignment. Bosnia represented a new era of peacekeeping for both Canada and the international community. In the words of LGen (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve, “It was a peacekeeping mission in a place where there was no…

Notices | Avis

A few weeks after launching the Military Families Fund in 2007, then Chief of Defence Staff S148 General Rick Hillier spoke at the annual Rev. John Weir Foote Memorial Military Luncheon at the Albany Club in Toronto. At this luncheon, organized by 19894 Erin O’Toole (RMC 1995), General Hillier levelled a challenge to the corporate…

Ex Cadet Documents Life at RRMC / Hatley Castle Artifacts

After graduating from military college, 4906 Stanley (Stan) Franklin (RRMC RMC 1960) was a combat engineer with the Royal Canadian Engineers, and stayed in the army for 10 years, attaining the rank of Captain. He then pursued a career in civilian life working for Ontario Hydro, obtained an MBA and ended his career as manager…

Careers | Carrières

[English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Here is a list of job opportunities provided by our partners from RHR with the working area and the experience required. To see the complete details of the jobs, you should be registered on Voici une liste des possibilités d’emploi fournis par nos partenaires de RHR avec…


MEMORIES FROM LAST YEAR Click on the images below to see videos from Reunion Weekend 2008!!! In this Issue 40: REUNION WEEKEND 2009 – Schedule of Events; THE BIRCHALL PAVILION PROJECT – Another Perspective; Wall of Honour – A Special New Addition to the College; College Top Brass Meet Community and Academic Leaders; “I’m on…

REUNION WEEKEND 2009 – Schedule of Events

Schedule of events for this weekend Thursday 1 Oct 1830 hrs – Legacy Dinner.  Just a handful of tickets left – Contact Panet House Office to be placed on a waiting list. List will close Tuesday at noon Kingston time.  Final notifications will be sent out end of business on Tuesday.  Silent Auction Info. Make…


Last week we presented a perspective on the Birchall pavilion from the Director of Athletics, Darren Cates. He was kind enough to share his feelings and memories from “his perspective” – which is understandably geared towards that of a sports administrator working hard to improve the sports facilities under his charge. In this edition, we…

Wall of Honour – A Special New Addition to the College

Wall of Honour – A Special New Addition to the College by 5877 Ted Davie (RRMC RMC 1963) The Class of ’63 started discussing our gift to the College on our entry to the Old Brigade in 2005. We considered all the standard gifts other classes seem to give like an academic Chair, etc, but…
